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Junos CLI Reference
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radius (Security Log)

date_range 24-Jun-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
   radius {
      ipaddr {
         backup backup;
         primary primary;
      port port;
      secret secret;   

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems name security log stream],
[edit logical-systems name tenants name security log stream],
[edit security log stream],
[edit tenants name security log stream]


Configure RADIUS accounting for security events by specifying the RADIUS accounting server.


  • ipaddr — Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server for accounting messages. Use the primary and backup options in the hierarchy edit security log stream radius idappr to configure the primary and backup RADIUS servers for authentication event logging. These options provide redundancy in case the primary RADIUS server is unavailable, ensuring that authentication events can still be logged to the backup RADIUS server.

    RADIUS accounting supports all the eight streams and each stream can have both a primary and backup radius server.

    Both the primary and backup RADIUS server shares same secret key and port number. Without a primary RADIUS server, you cannot configure the backup RADIUS server.

    • primary — IP address of the primary RADIUS server. Configure the primary IP address to enable radius stream.

    • backup — IP address of the backup RADIUS server. You can configure one backup RADIUS server per stream for the primary RADIUS server. The backup server handles log delivery if the primary server goes down.

      The backup server is optional. Backup server becomes active only if message delivery fails to primary server.

      If the backup server becomes unavailable, disable the backup server to switch back to the primary server.

  • port- Port number of the RADIUS server. Configure the port number that receives RADIUS accounting messages.

    • Default: 1813

  • secret- Configure a secret key on the RADIUS server. This secret key is used to calculate the MD5 hash for verifying the message's validity on the receiver side. The maximum length of the secret key is 256 characters.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 24.2R1.
