destination-header { ILNP-nonce-option; home-address-option; line-identification-option; tunnel-encapsulation-limit-option; user-defined-option-type low | <to high>; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit security screen ids-option screen-name ip ipv6-extension-header]
Define the IPv6 destination header screen option.
ILNP-nonce-option | Enable the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol nonce screen option. |
home-address-option | Enable the home address screen option. |
line-identification-option | Enable the line identification screen option. |
tunnel-encapsulation-limit-option | Enable the tunnel encapsulation limit screen option. |
user-defined-header-type low | <to high> | Define the type of header range.
Required Privilege Level
security—To view this in the configuration.
security-control—To add this to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10.