connectivity-fault-management { action-profile profile-name { action { asynchronous-notification interface-down; } default-actions { interface-down; } event { adjacency-loss; } } linktrace { age (30m | 10m | 1m | 30s | 10s); path-database-size path-database-size; } maintenance-domain domain-name { level number; mip-half-function (none | default |explicit); name-format (character-string | none | dns | mac+2oct); maintenance-association ma-name { continuity-check { hold-interval minutes; interface-status-tlv; interval (10m | 10s | 1m | 1s| 100ms); loss-threshold number; port-status-tlv; } mep mep-id { auto-discovery; direction down; interface interface-name; remote-mep mep-id { action-profile profile-name; } } } } performance-monitoring { sla-iterator-profiles { profile-name { calculation-weight { delay delay-value; delay-variation delay-variation-value; } send-zero-interval-ccm; cycle-time cycle-time-value; iteration-period iteration-period-value; measurement-type two-way-delay; passive; } } } }
Configure connectivity fault management for IEEE 802.1ag Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) support.
The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.
Asynchronous-notification—Generate asynchronous-notification (Laser off for optical physical) option is
introduced in Junos OS release 20.4R1 for ACX and MX.
send-zero-interval-ccm—Programs end point hardware for TX with 0s CCI. This option is introduced in Junos OS release 21.2R1 for ACX5448, ACX5448-M, and ACX5448-D only.
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.
performance-monitoring introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4 for EX Series switches.