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report-resource-allocation (PCRF Partition)

date_range 20-Nov-23


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[edit access pcrf partition partition-name]


Configure the Policy and Charging Rule Function (PCRF) partition to generate reports for resource allocation failures by default. If you configure this statement, this generates the same result as if you enabled the Resource-Allocation-Notification message trigger with every rule received from the PCRF.

The following example shows predefined rule installation commands, including the Resource-Allocation-Notification command, for Credit Control Answer (CCA-GX) and Reauthorization Request (RAR-GX) messages between the PCRF and Gx:

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{ Charging-Rule-Install
  { Charging-Rule-Name:			“fixed-cos” }
  { Charging-Rule-Definition:
    { Charging-Rule-Name:		“firewall” }
    { Service-Identifier:	 	10 }
    { Rating-Group:			292 }
    { Juniper-Param-V4-Input-Filter:	“my_input_filter” }
    { Juniper-Param-V4-Output-Filter:	“my_output_filter” }
  [ Resource-Allocation-Notification: ENABLE_NOTIFICATION(0) ]

Some PCRFs may be unable to generate a Resource-Allocation-Notification AVP. As a result, the report-resource-allocation statement provides generated reports by default.

For login and update interactions between the PCRF and the Online Charging System (OCS), the OCS sends applicable reports to the PCRF using a CCR-GX-U message. If the service-dynamic-profile instantiation fails, and the Resource-Allocation-Notification (ENABLE_NOTIFICATION) is set for the charging rule, then the OCS sends a report. The router acknowledges the subscriber activation, allows subscriber traffic to flow, and continues to repeat the process.

Required Privilege Level

admin—To view this statement in the configuration.

admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.2.
