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show chassis zones


Syntax (MX Series Routers)

Syntax (QFX Series)


(QFabric systems only) Display the status of the two cooling system zones on the Interconnect device. Zone 1 consists of eight (0 – 7) front cards, which are cooled by two fan trays. Zone 2 consists of two control boards and eight rear cards, which are cooled by eight (0 – 7) fan trays.

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) Display the status of the cooling system zones of the chassis. Zone 0 consists of the Control Board, ten (0–9) FPCs, and their respective PICs, Switch Fabric Boards, and Adapter Cards. Zone 1 consists of the Routing Engine, Control Board, and Switch Processor Mezzanine Boards.

(PTX5000 Packet Transport Router only) Display the status of the two cooling system zones of the chassis. Zone 0 consists of the Routing Engine, Control Board, SIB, PMB, and the CCG, and is cooled by the vertical fan tray. Zone 1 consists of the eight (0–7) FPCs, and their respective PICs, and is cooled by the horizontal fan trays. The vertical fan tray is located at the front of the chassis. One horizontal fan tray is located at the front top of the chassis, and another is located at the front bottom of the chassis.



(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display the status of the cooling system zones in all members of the Virtual Chassis configuration.


(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display detailed status of the cooling system zones.

detail device-name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display detailed status of the two cooling systems on the Interconnect device.

interconnect-device name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display the status of the cooling zones on the Interconnect device.


(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display the status of the cooling system zones in the local member of the Virtual Chassis.

member member-id

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display the status of the cooling system zones in the specified member of the Virtual Chassis. Replace member-id with the value 0 or 1.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis zones command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis zones Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


FPC slot number of the device whose content is being displayed. On QFX3500 standalone switches, the number is always 0.

Beacon State

Status of the beacon state:

  • Off—The beacon is OFF.

  • On—The beacon is ON.

show chassis zones command output fields for MX2020, MX2010, and MX2008 routers:

Driving FRU

Field replacable unit (FRU).


Temperature of the specified FRU in degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit.


Condition of the specified FRU. Condition can be HIGH TEMP, WARM TEMP, OK, and Offline.

Num Fans Missing

Number of fans or fan trays missing.

Num Fans Failed

Number of fans or fan trays that have failed.

Fan Duty Cycle

Fan duty cycle value.

show chassis zones detail command output fields for MX2020, MX2010, and MX2008 routers:


Chassis component:

  • Information about the chassis, Routing Engines, Control Boards (CBs), Switch Fabric Boards (SFBs), PICs, Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs), and Adapter Cards (ADCs).


Fan tray speed utilization in percentage.


Status of the specified item. Status can be OK, Absent, or Offline.

Sample Output

show chassis zones interconnect-device (QFabric System)

show chassis zones (MX2010 Router)

show chassis zones detail (MX2010 Router)

show chassis zones (MX2020 Router)

show chassis zones detail (MX2020 Router)

show chassis zones (MX2008 Router)

show chassis zones detail (MX2008 Router)

show chassis beacon interconnect-device (QFabric System)

show chassis beacon interconnect-device fpc (QFabric System)

show chassis beacon node-device (QFabric System)

show chassis beacon node-device fpc (QFabric System)

show chassis zones (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router)

show chassis zones detail (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.3.

all-members, local, and member member-id options introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1 for MX2020 and MX2010 routers.