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request system software in-service-upgrade (Maintenance)

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
request system software in-service-upgrade image_name 


The in-service software upgrade (ISSU) feature allows a chassis cluster pair to be upgraded from supported Junos OS versions with a traffic impact similar to that of redundancy group failovers. Before upgrading, you must perform failovers so that all redundancy groups are active on only one device. We recommend that graceful restart for routing protocols be enabled before you initiate an ISSU.

For SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, and SRX380 devices, you must use the no-sync parameter to perform an in-band cluster upgrade (ICU). This allows a chassis cluster pair to be upgraded with a minimal service disruption of approximately 30 seconds.

For SRX1500, SRX4100, and SRX4200 devices, the no-sync parameter is not supported when using ISSU to upgrade. The no-sync option specifies that the state is not synchronized from the primary node to the secondary node.

For SRX1500 devices, the no-tcp-syn-check parameter is not supported when using ISSU to upgrade.


  • image_name—Specify the location and name of the software upgrade package to be installed.

  • no-copy—(Optional) Install the software upgrade package but do not save the copies of package files.

  • no-old-master-upgrade—(Optional) Do not upgrade the old primary after switchover.

    This parameter applies to SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices only.

  • no-sync—(Optional) Stop the flow state from synchronizing when the old secondary node has booted with a new Junos OS image.

    This parameter applies to SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, and SRX380 devices only. It is required for an ICU.

  • no-tcp-syn-check—(Optional) Create a window wherein the TCP SYN check for the incoming packets is disabled. The default value for the window is 7200 seconds (2 hours).

    This parameter applies to SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, and SRX380 devices only.

  • no-validate—(Optional) Disable the configuration validation step at installation. The system behavior is similar to that of the request system software add command.

    This parameter applies to SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, and SRX380 devices only.

  • status—(Optional) Display the status of a unified ISSU during the upgrade. You will need to run this command on the Routing Engine where the ISSU was triggered to display the correct ISSU log file.

    This parameter applies to SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices only.

  • unlink—(Optional) Remove the software package after successful installation.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request system software in-service-upgrade status (SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade status
[Apr 29 01:31:11]:ISSU: Validating Image
[Apr 29 01:43:13]:ISSU: Validating Image Done
[Apr 29 01:43:13]:ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
[Apr 29 01:43:13]:ISSU: Pushing /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-19.3I20190425_1
100_divyansh.tgz to re1:/var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-19.3I20190425_1100_divy
[Apr 29 01:44:48]:ISSU: Pushing package /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-19.3I20
190425_1100_divyansh.tgz to re1 done
[Apr 29 01:44:48]:ISSU: Installing package /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-19.3
I20190425_1100_divyansh.tgz on re1
[Apr 29 01:52:35]:ISSU: Installing package /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-19.3
I20190425_1100_divyansh.tgz on re1 done
[Apr 29 01:52:35]:ISSU: Rebooting Backup RE
[Apr 29 01:52:36]:ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
[Apr 29 01:52:36]:ISSU: Waiting for Backup RE reboot
[Apr 29 01:56:45]:ISSU: Backup RE reboot done. Backup RE is up
[Apr 29 01:56:45]:ISSU: Waiting for Backup RE state synchronization
[Apr 29 01:57:10]:ISSU: Backup RE state synchronization done
[Apr 29 01:57:10]:ISSU: GRES operational
[Apr 29 01:58:16]:ISSU: Preparing Daemons
[Apr 29 01:58:40]:ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
[Apr 29 01:58:46]:ISSU: Offline Incompatible FRUs
[Apr 29 01:58:51]:ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
[Apr 29 02:03:32]:ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
[Apr 29 02:03:57]:ISSU: Ready for Switchover
[Apr 29 02:03:59]:ISSU: RE switchover Done
[Apr 29 02:03:59]:ISSU: Upgrading Old Master RE
[Apr 29 02:12:51]:ISSU: Old Master Upgrade Done
[Apr 29 02:12:51]:ISSU: IDLE

Sample Output

request system software in-service-upgrade (SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, and SRX380 Devices)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic.tgz no-sync           

ISSU: Validating package
WARNING: in-service-upgrade shall reboot both the nodes
         in your cluster. Please ignore any subsequent
         reboot request message 
ISSU: start downloading software package on secondary node
Pushing /var/tmp/junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic.tgz to node0:/var/tmp/junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic.tgz
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s1a)...
/dev/da0s1a: 2510.1MB (5140780 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
        using 14 cylinder groups of 183.62MB, 11752 blks, 23552 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
32, 376096, 752160, 1128224, 1504288, 1880352, 2256416, 2632480, 3008544,
3384608, 3760672, 4136736, 4512800, 4888864
Installing package '/altroot/cf/packages/install-tmp/junos-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic' ...
Verified junos-boot-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757.tgz signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Verified junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
WARNING:     The software that is being installed has limited support.
WARNING:     Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details.
Verified junos-boot-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757.tgz signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Verified junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
JUNOS 15.1I20160520_0757 will become active at next reboot
WARNING: A reboot is required to load this software correctly
WARNING:     Use the 'request system reboot' command
WARNING:         when software installation is complete
cp: cannot overwrite directory /altroot/cf/etc/ssh with non-directory /cf/etc/ssh
Saving state for rollback ...
ISSU: finished upgrading on secondary node node0
ISSU: start upgrading software package on primary node
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s1a)...
/dev/da0s1a: 2510.1MB (5140780 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
        using 14 cylinder groups of 183.62MB, 11752 blks, 23552 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
32, 376096, 752160, 1128224, 1504288, 1880352, 2256416, 2632480, 3008544,
3384608, 3760672, 4136736, 4512800, 4888864
Installing package '/altroot/cf/packages/install-tmp/junos-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic' ...
Verified junos-boot-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757.tgz signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Verified junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
WARNING:     The software that is being installed has limited support.
WARNING:     Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details.
Verified junos-boot-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757.tgz signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Verified junos-srxsme-15.1I20160520_0757-domestic signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2016 method ECDSA256+SHA256
JUNOS 15.1I20160520_0757 will become active at next reboot
WARNING: A reboot is required to load this software correctly
WARNING:     Use the 'request system reboot' command
WARNING:         when software installation is complete
cp: cannot overwrite directory /altroot/cf/etc/ssh with non-directory /cf/etc/ssh
Saving state for rollback ...
ISSU: failover all redundancy-groups 1...n to primary node
Successfully reset all redundancy-groups priority back to configured priority.
Successfully reset all redundancy-groups priority back to configured priority.
error: Command failed. None of the redundancy-groups has been failed over.
        Some redundancy-groups' priority on node1 are 0.
        e.g.: priority of redundancy-groups-1 on node1 is 0.
Use 'force' option at the end to ignore this check.
WARNING: Using force option may cause traffic loss.
ISSU: rebooting Secondary Node
Shutdown NOW!
ISSU: Waiting for secondary node node0 to reboot.
ISSU: node 0 went down
ISSU: Waiting for node 0 to come up
ISSU: node 0 came up
ISSU: secondary node node0 booted up.
ISSU: failover all redundancy-groups 1...n to remote node, before reboot.
Successfully reset all redundancy-groups priority back to configured priority.

Shutdown NOW!
*** FINAL System shutdown message from user@host ***                      
System going down IMMEDIATELY                                                 

Release Information

For SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6. For SRX5400 devices, the command is introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D20. For SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, and SRX345 devices, command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D40. For SRX1500 devices, command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D50. For SRX380 devices, command introduced in Junos OS Release 20.1R1.

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D80, SRX4100 and SRX4200 devices support ISSU.

Starting with Junos OS Release 17.4R1, SRX4600 devices support ISSU.

SRX300 Series devices and vSRX Virtual Firewall do not support ISSU.

For SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800, the status option is introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.
