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Hierarchy Level


Configure an profile to specify the network analytics data being streamed to remote servers. Each profile is a template that defines the type of data being streamed.


The export-profile statement is not available in Junos OS Releases prior to 13.2X51-D15.



Name of the export profile containing the configuration of the data being streamed.

stream-format format

Format of the streaming data being sent to a server. Only one format can be sent to each port on a server.

  • Values:

    • csv—Comma-separated Values (CSV). Data sent in this format is newline separated, and each record contains one stream type (queue or traffic data) per interface.Each record contains either a “q” for a queue statistics, or a “t” for a traffic statistics.

    • gpb—Google Protocol Buffer (GPB). Data sent in this format has a hierachical format, and is categorized by resource type (system or interfaces), which is specified in the message header. You can generate data formatted in other formats (CSV, TSV, and JSON) from GPB-encoded data.

      Each message includes a 8-byte header containing the following information:

      • Bytes 0 to 3—Length of the message.

      • Byte 4—Message version.

      • Bytes 5 to 7—Reserved for future use.


      A schema file called analytics.proto containing the definitions of the GPB messages is available for downloading from the following location:

    • json—JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Data sent in this format is newline separated, and each record contains one stream type (queue or traffic data) per interface. Each record contains either “queue-statistics” or “traffic-statistics” in the “record type” field.

    • tsv—Tab-separated Values (TSV). Data sent in this format is newline separated, and each record contains one stream type (queue or traffic data) per interface. Each record contains a “q” for a queue statistics, or a “t” for a traffic statistics.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2.