ike (Security Group VPN Member)
ike { gateway gateway-name { ike-policy policy-name; local address ip-address; local-identity { (hostname hostname | inet ip-address | inet6 ipv6-address | user-at-hostname e-mail-address); } remote-identity { (hostname hostname | inet ip-address | user-at-hostname e-mail-address); } routing-instance routing-instance; server-address ip-address; } policy policy-name { description description; mode (aggressive | main); pre-shared-key (ascii-text key | hexadecimal key); proposals proposal-name; } proposal proposal-name { authentication-algorithm (sha-256 | sha-384); authentication-method pre-shared-keys; description description; dh-group (group14 | group24); encryption-algorithm (aes-128-cbc | aes-192-cbc | aes-256-cbc); lifetime-seconds seconds; } traceoptions { file { filename; files number; match regular-expression; size maximum-file-size; (world-readable | no-world-readable); } flag flag (all | certificates | config | database | general | high-availability | ike | next-hop-tunnels | parse | policy-manager | routing-socket | thread | timer); gateway-filter { local-address ip-address; remote-address ip-address; } level (all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning); no-remote-trace; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit security group-vpn member]
Configure IKE group VPN on the group member. A group member encrypts the traffic and is responsible for the actual encryption and decryption of data traffic. A group member is configured with IKE Phase 1 parameters and GC/KS information.
gateway gateway-name | Configure IKE gateway for group VPN member. |
policy policy-name | Configure an IKE policy. |
proposalproposal-name | Define an IKE proposal. |
traceoptions | Configure group VPN tracing options to aid in troubleshooting the IKE issues. |
ipsec | Configure IPsec for Phase 2 exchange on the group member. |
Required Privilege Level
security—To view this statement in the configuration.
security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.