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Junos CLI Reference
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interface-set (Dynamic Profiles)

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
interface-set interface-set-name {
    interface interface-name {
        unit logical-unit-number;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces]


For MX Series routers with enhanced queuing DPCs or MPC/MIC modules, configure an interface set for dynamic CoS.


interface-set-name—Name of the interface set to be configured or one of the following Junos OS predefined variables:

  • $junos-interface-set-name—Predefined variable that, when used, is replaced with the interface-set obtained from the RADIUS server when a subscriber authenticates over the interface to which the dynamic profile is attached.

  • $junos-phy-ifd-interface-set-name—Locally generated interface set name associated with the underlying physical interface in a dynamic profile. This predefined variable enables you to group all the subscribers on a specific physical interface so that you can apply services to the entire group of subscribers.

    Another use case for this predefined variable is to conserve CoS resources in a mixed business and residential topology by collecting the residential subscribers into an interface set associated with the physical interface, so that a level 2 node is used for the interface set rather than for each residential interface. Otherwise, because the business and residential subscribers share the same interface and business subscribers require three levels of CoS, then three levels are configured for each residential subscriber. That results in an unnecessary level 2 node being consumed for each residential connection, wasting CoS resources.

  • $junos-pon-id-interface-set-name—Locally generated interface set name extracted from the DHCPv4 (Option 82, suboption 2) or DHCPv6 (Option 37) agent remote ID string inserted by an optical line terminal (OLT) in a passive optical network (PON). The OLT must format the agent remote ID string with a pipe symbol (|) as the delimiter between substrings. The substring extracted for the interface set name consists of the characters following the last delimiter in the agent remote ID string.

    The extracted substring identifies individual customer circuits in the PON to be aggregated into the interface set. You determine the format and contents of the substring, and configure your OLT to insert the information. Typically, the substring may include the name and port of the OLT accessed by the CPE optical network terminal (ONT).

  • $junos-svlan-interface-set-name—Locally generated interface set name for use by dual-tagged VLAN interfaces based on the outer tag of the dual-tagged VLAN. The format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - outer_VLAN_tag.

  • $junos-tagged-vlan-interface-set-name—Locally generated interface set name used for grouping logical interfaces stacked over logical stacked VLAN demux interfaces for either a 1:1 (dual-tagged; individual client) VLAN or N:1 (single tagged; service) VLAN. The format of the generated variable differs with VLAN type. For dual-tagged (client) VLANs, the format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - outer_VLAN_tag - inner_VLAN_tag. For single tagged (service) VLAN, the format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - VLAN_tag.

The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.

$junos-phy-ifd-interface-set-name option added in Junos OS Release 16.1.

$junos-pon-id-interface-set-name option added in Junos OS Release 17.2R1.
