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show chassis power

date_range 29-Nov-24


content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis power

Syntax (MX Series Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis power
<member member-id>

Syntax (MX320, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX2008, PTX Series, ACX7024, and SRX5400 routers; EX9200 and EX9253 Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis power

Syntax (MX10008 Universal Routing Platforms)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis power


(EX9200 switches, MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platforms and PTX Series Packet Transport Routers only) Display power limits and usage information for the AC or DC power sources.

  • On EX9200 switches, MX Series, ACX7024, and SRX5800 5G Universal Routing Platforms, power is supplied by Power Entry Modules (PEMs).


    The new high-capacity (4100 W) enhanced DC PEM on MX960 routers includes a new design that can condition the input voltage. This results in the output voltage differing from the input voltage. The earlier generation of DC PEMs coupled the input power directly to the output, thereby making it safe to assume that the output voltage was equal to the input voltage.

  • On the MX2020 Universal Routing Platforms, the power system consists of three components: the power supply modules (PSMs), the power distribution module (PDM), and the power midplane. The power feed is connected to the PDM. The PDM delivers power to the power midplane. The power midplane supplies power to the PSMs. The MX2020 router chassis provides 3+3 (2500W/80A) or 4+4 (2100W/60A) PSM redundancy for the critical FRUs with two power zones.

  • On the MX2010 and MX2008 Universal Routing Platforms, the power system consists of three components: the power supply modules (PSMs), the power distribution module (PDM), and the power midplane. The power feed is connected to the PDM. The PDM delivers power to the power midplane. The power midplane supplies power to the PSMs. Unlike the MX2020 router chassis, the MX2010 and MX2008 router chassis does not provide redundancy for the critical FRUs because there is only one power zone.

    Starting from Junos OS Release 17.3, MX10003 routers support DC (1100W), AC High (1600W), and AC Low (800W) power supply units.

  • Starting from Junos OS Release 21.4R1, SRX5800 power system consists of high-capacity second-generation AC power supply module (PSM). This single or dual PSM provides a maximum output power of 5100 W. In the single-feed mode, the PSM provides power at a reduced capacity (2550 W). In dualfeed mode, the PSM provides power at full capacity (5100W). The PSM supports 1+1 redundancy.
  • Starting from Junos OS Evolved Release 22.3R1, ACX7024 supports single PSM mode and PSM 1+1 redundancy.
  • On the PTX Series Packet Transport Routers, power is supplied by power supply modules (PSMs). On PTX5000 routers, the power feeds connect to the power distribution units (PDUs).

  • Starting with Junos OS Release 14.1, the show chassis power <detail> operational mode command output displays power usage information for the new DC power supply module (PSM) and power distribution unit (PDU) that are added to provide power to the high-density FPC (FPC2-PTX-P1A) and other components in a PTX5000 Packet Transport Router. The output also displays power usage information for each PIC that is connected to the router. This command also displays power usage information for MX Series routers that have a MPC5EQ MPC installed.

  • Starting in Junos OS Release 18.4R1, on MX240 routers and EX9204 switches, the enhanced AC PEM in high-line power configuration supplies a power output of 2400 W. On Junos OS versions prior to 18.4R1, this PEM supplied only 2050 W of power.

  • Starting in Junos OS release 21.4R1, on SRX5400 routers the AC redundancy mode for high capacity high line PEMs is increased from 1+1 to 2+2 with a capacity of 4100W from earlier 2050W.

The MX204 routers do not support the show chassis power command.



Display basic power usage information for the AC and DC power sources.


(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display power usage information for all members of the Virtual Chassis configuration.


(Optional) Include power usage for specific FRUs.


(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display power usage information for the local Virtual Chassis member.

member member-id

(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display power usage information for the specified member of the Virtual Chassis configuration. For an MX Series Virtual Chassis, replace member-id with a value of 0 or 1.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis power command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis power Output Fields:

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

PEM number

(EX9200 switches, SRX5800 and MX Series routers only) AC or DC PEM number on the chassis. The following output fields are displayed for the PEM:

  • State—State of the PEM:

    • Online—PEM is present in the slot and online.

    • Empty—PEM is not present in the slot.

    • Present—PEM is present in the slot, but not online.

  • AC/DC InputOK or Check—State of the AC or DC input power feed with the number of active and expected feeds (one or two).

    For a DC input power feed, this output field also displays the reference voltage input with maximum input voltage displayed in mV (in parentheses) for the AC or DC PEM.

  • Capacity—Actual power input capacity with maximum capacity displayed (in parentheses) in watts.


    The maximum actual power capacity for AC and DC PEMs is:

    • MX960 AC PEM—4100 W if two feeds are connected. 1700 W if one feed is connected.

    • MX960 DC PEM—4100 W if two feeds are connected. 1700 W if one feed is connected.

    • MX480 AC PEM—2520 W if it is high-line. 1450 W if it is low-line.

    • MX480 DC PEM—2240 W if the DIP switch is off. 2440 W if the DIP switch is on.

    • MX240 AC PEM—2240 W if it is high-line. 2440 W if it is low-line.

    • MX240 DC PEM—2240 W if the DIP switch is off. 2440 W if the DIP switch is on.

    • EX9204 AC PEM—2050 W if it is high-line. 1167 W if it is low-line.

    • EX9204 DC PEM—2400 W if the DIP switch is off. 2600 W if the DIP switch is on.

    • EX9208 AC PEM—2050 W if it is high-line. 1167 W if it is low-line.

    • EX9208 DC PEM—2400 W if the DIP switch is off. 2600 W if the DIP switch is on.

    • EX9214 AC PEM—4100 W if two feeds are connected. 1700 W if one feed is connected.

    • EX9214 DC PEM—4100 W if two feeds are connected. 1700 W if one feed is connected.

  • DC Output—DC power output in Watts for the specified zone, at the specified amps and voltage (A @ V), and load and percentage utilization of the maximum capacity) for the zone.

All levels


(EX9200 switches, MX Series, MX2020 routers, MX2010 routers, and MX2008 routers only) Overall power statistics for the system zone.

The following output fields are displayed for MX Series routers:

  • Zone number:

    • Capacity—Maximum power capacity applicable for the zone, in watts.

    • Allocated power—Actual capacity allocated for the zone, in watts, with remaining power displayed in parentheses.

    • Actual usage—Actual power usage for the zone, in watts.

  • Total system capacity—Cumulative power capacity of all the zones, in watts.

  • Total remaining capacity—Difference between the Total system capacity and cumulative Allocated power of all the zones, in watts.

The following output fields are displayed for MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers:

  • Capacity—Maximum power capacity applicable for the zone, in watts.

  • Allocated power—Actual capacity allocated for the zone, in watts, with remaining power displayed in parentheses.

  • Actual usage—Actual power usage for the zone, in watts.


For MX2020 routers, there are two power subsystems (Lower Zone and Upper Zone) and the listed output fields are displayed for each zone.

All levels

Total Power

(PTX Series only) Total power used by the switch (displayed in watts).

All levels

PDU number

(PTX5000 only) ID number of the power distribution unit (PDU) on the chassis.

All levels

PSM number

(PTX Series, MX2020 routers, MX2010 routers, and MX2008 routers only) ID number of the power supply module..

(PTX Series) The following output fields are displayed for each PSM:

  • Input (V)—Voltage supplied to the PSM.

  • Used (W)—Actual power usage for the PSM (measured in watts).


Starting with Junos OS Release 14.1, no output is displayed for Input (v) and Used (W) fields for missing PSMs; unlike in earlier releases where 0 was displayed for missing PSMs.

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers) The following output fields are displayed for each PSM:

  • State—State of the PSM:

    • Online—PSM is present in the slot and online.

    • Empty—PSM is not present in the slot.

    • Present—PSM is present in the slot but not online.

  • DC Input—State of the DC input power feed with the number of active or expected feeds (in parantheses).

  • Capacity—Actual power input capacity and maximum capacity (in parantheses) displayed in watts.


    The maximum capacity for AC and DC PSMs is:

    • MX2010/MX2020/MX2008 AC PSM—2500 W.

    • MX2010/MX2020/MX2008 DC PSM—2100 W if the DIP switch is at 60A settings. 2500 W if the DIP switch is at 80A settings.

  • DC Output—DC power output in watts for the specified zone at the specified amperes and voltage (A at V), and load and percentage utilization of the maximum capacity for the zone.

All levels


Actual power usage (measured in watts) for the following FRUs:

  • Fan Tray n—Power usage for the specified fan tray.

  • REn/CBn—Power usage for the specified Routing Engines and Control Boards

  • SIB/CCG/FPD—Power usage for the Switch Interface Board, Centralized Clock Generator (PTX5000 only), and Front Panel Display (craft interface).

  • FPC n—Power usage for the FPC in the slot specified.


MX Series routers must have a MPC5EQ MPC installed to view FRU power usage with the detail command.


Sample Output

show chassis power (MX960 Router with DC PEM)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57000 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 513 W (zone 0, 9 A at 57 V, 12% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57000 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 228 W (zone 1, 4 A at 57 V, 5% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57000 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 513 W (zone 0, 9 A at 57 V, 12% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57000 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 342 W (zone 1, 6 A at 57 V, 8% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
      Allocated power:   1680 W (2420 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      1026 W
  Zone 1:
      Capacity:          4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
      Allocated power:   1263 W (2837 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      570 W
  Total system capacity: 8200 W (maximum 8200 W)
  Total remaining power: 5257 W

show chassis power (MX960 Router with AC PEM)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 0 W (zone 0, 0 A at 56 V, 0% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Present
  AC input:  Check (2 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  1700 W (maximum 4100 W)

PEM 2:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

PEM 3:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  1700 W (maximum 1700 W)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
      Allocated power:   540 W (3560 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      0 W
  Zone 1:
      Capacity:          0 W (maximum 0 W)
      Allocated power:   0 W (0 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      0 W
  Total system capacity: 4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  Total remaining power: 3560 W

show chassis power detail (MX960 Router with MPC5EQ)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail 
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57500 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 798 W (zone 0, 14 A at 57 V, 19% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57500 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 1311 W (zone 1, 23 A at 57 V, 31% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57500 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 855 W (zone 0, 15 A at 57 V, 20% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  DC input:  48.0 V input (57500 mV)
  Capacity:  4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  DC output: 912 W (zone 1, 16 A at 57 V, 22% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
      Allocated power:   2497 W (1603 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      1653 W
  Zone 1:
      Capacity:          4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
      Allocated power:   3336 W (764 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      2223 W
  Total system capacity: 8200 W (maximum 8200 W)
  Total remaining power: 2367 W

Item                 Used(W)
  FPC 0                 255
  FPC 10                341

show chassis power (MX480 Router with AC PEM)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2520 W (maximum 2520 W)
  DC output: 472 W (zone 0, 8 A at 59 V, 18% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2520 W (maximum 2520 W)
  DC output: 472 W (zone 0, 8 A at 59 V, 18% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2520 W (maximum 2520 W)
  DC output: 118 W (zone 0, 2 A at 59 V, 4% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

  Maximum capacity:   5040 W
  Allocated capacity: 1675 W (33% of maximum)
  Remaining capacity: 3365 W
  Actual usage:       1062 W

show chassis power (MX2020 Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host > show chassis power
PSM 0:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 858.44 W (Lower Zone, 16.75 A at 51.25 V, 34.34% of capacity)

PSM 1:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 854.25 W (Lower Zone, 16.75 A at 51.00 V, 34.17% of capacity)

PSM 2:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 858.44 W (Lower Zone, 16.75 A at 51.25 V, 34.34% of capacity)

PSM 3:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 867.00 W (Lower Zone, 17.00 A at 51.00 V, 34.68% of capacity)

PSM 4:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 871.25 W (Lower Zone, 17.00 A at 51.25 V, 34.85% of capacity)

PSM 5:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

PSM 6:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

PSM 7:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 867.00 W (Lower Zone, 17.00 A at 51.00 V, 34.68% of capacity)

PSM 8:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 879.75 W (Lower Zone, 17.25 A at 51.00 V, 35.19% of capacity)

PSM 9:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 624.75 W (Upper Zone, 12.25 A at 51.00 V, 29.75% of capacity)

PSM 10:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 615.00 W (Upper Zone, 12.00 A at 51.25 V, 29.29% of capacity)

PSM 11:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 624.75 W (Upper Zone, 12.25 A at 51.00 V, 29.75% of capacity)

PSM 12:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 624.75 W (Upper Zone, 12.25 A at 51.00 V, 29.75% of capacity)

PSM 13:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 612.00 W (Upper Zone, 12.00 A at 51.00 V, 29.14% of capacity)

PSM 14:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 627.81 W (Upper Zone, 12.25 A at 51.25 V, 29.90% of capacity)

PSM 15:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 627.81 W (Upper Zone, 12.25 A at 51.25 V, 29.90% of capacity)

PSM 16:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 615.00 W (Upper Zone, 12.00 A at 51.25 V, 29.29% of capacity)

PSM 17:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 624.75 W (Upper Zone, 12.25 A at 51.00 V, 29.75% of capacity)

  Upper Zone:
      Capacity:          18900 W (maximum 22500 W)
      Allocated power:   12900 W (6000 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      5596.62 W
  Lower Zone:
      Capacity:          17500 W (maximum 17500 W)
      Allocated power:   12900 W (4600 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      6056.12 W
  Total system capacity: 36400 W (maximum 40000 W)
  Total remaining power: 10600 W

show chassis power detail (MX2020 Router with MPC5EQ and MPC6E)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail
PSM 0:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 540.75 W (Lower Zone, 10.50 A at 51.50 V, 25.75% of capacity)

PSM 1:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 538.12 W (Lower Zone, 10.50 A at 51.25 V, 25.62% of capacity)

PSM 2:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 538.12 W (Lower Zone, 10.50 A at 51.25 V, 25.62% of capacity)

PSM 3:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 540.75 W (Lower Zone, 10.50 A at 51.50 V, 25.75% of capacity)

PSM 4:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 515.00 W (Lower Zone, 10.00 A at 51.50 V, 24.52% of capacity)

PSM 5:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 527.88 W (Lower Zone, 10.25 A at 51.50 V, 25.14% of capacity)

PSM 6:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 540.75 W (Lower Zone, 10.50 A at 51.50 V, 25.75% of capacity)

PSM 7:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 527.88 W (Lower Zone, 10.25 A at 51.50 V, 25.14% of capacity)

PSM 8:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 530.44 W (Lower Zone, 10.25 A at 51.75 V, 25.26% of capacity)

PSM 9:
  State:     Empty                      
  Input:     Absent                     
PSM 10:
  State:     Empty                      
  Input:     Absent                     
PSM 11:
  State:     Empty                      
  Input:     Absent                     
PSM 12:
  State:     Online                     
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 517.50 W (Upper Zone, 10.00 A at 51.75 V, 24.64% of capacity)
PSM 13:
  State:     Online                     
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 517.50 W (Upper Zone, 10.00 A at 51.75 V, 24.64% of capacity)
PSM 14:
  State:     Online                     
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 515.00 W (Upper Zone, 10.00 A at 51.50 V, 24.52% of capacity)
PSM 15:
  State:     Online                     
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 527.88 W (Upper Zone, 10.25 A at 51.50 V, 25.14% of capacity)
PSM 16:
  State:     Online                     
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 517.50 W (Upper Zone, 10.00 A at 51.75 V, 24.64% of capacity)
PSM 17:
  State:     Online                     
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2100 W (maximum 2500 W)    
  DC output: 515.00 W (Upper Zone, 10.00 A at 51.50 V, 24.52% of capacity)
  Upper Zone:                           
      Capacity:          12600 W (maximum 15000 W)
      Allocated power:   9436 W (3164 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      3110.38 W      
  Lower Zone:                           
      Capacity:          18900 W (maximum 22500 W)
      Allocated power:   10842 W (8058 W remaining)
Actual usage:      4799.69 W      
  Total system capacity: 31500 W (maximum 37500 W)
  Total remaining power: 11222 W        
Item                 Used(W)            
  FPC 0                   0             
  FPC 4                   0             
  FPC 9                 719             
  FPC 10                681             
  FPC 17                656             
  FPC 18                  0             
  FPC 19                  0     

show chassis power (MX2020 Router with 240-V high-voltage DC PSMs and PDMs)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power

PSM 0:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 197.81 W (Lower Zone, 3.75 A at 52.75 V, 7.91% of capacity)

PSM 1:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 171.44 W (Lower Zone, 3.25 A at 52.75 V, 6.86% of capacity)

PSM 2:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 184.62 W (Lower Zone, 3.50 A at 52.75 V, 7.38% of capacity)

PSM 3:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 184.62 W (Lower Zone, 3.50 A at 52.75 V, 7.38% of capacity)

PSM 4:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 183.75 W (Lower Zone, 3.50 A at 52.50 V, 7.35% of capacity)

PSM 5:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 196.88 W (Lower Zone, 3.75 A at 52.50 V, 7.88% of capacity)

PSM 6:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 183.75 W (Lower Zone, 3.50 A at 52.50 V, 7.35% of capacity)

PSM 7:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 196.88 W (Lower Zone, 3.75 A at 52.50 V, 7.88% of capacity)

PSM 8:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP1 feed expected, INP1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 196.88 W (Lower Zone, 3.75 A at 52.50 V, 7.88% of capacity)

PSM 9:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 144.38 W (Upper Zone, 2.75 A at 52.50 V, 5.78% of capacity)

PSM 10:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 145.06 W (Upper Zone, 2.75 A at 52.75 V, 5.80% of capacity)

PSM 11:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 131.88 W (Upper Zone, 2.50 A at 52.75 V, 5.28% of capacity)

PSM 12:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 143.69 W (Upper Zone, 2.75 A at 52.25 V, 5.75% of capacity)

PSM 13:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 143.69 W (Upper Zone, 2.75 A at 52.25 V, 5.75% of capacity)

PSM 14:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 145.06 W (Upper Zone, 2.75 A at 52.75 V, 5.80% of capacity)

PSM 15:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 144.38 W (Upper Zone, 2.75 A at 52.50 V, 5.78% of capacity)

PSM 16:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 130.62 W (Upper Zone, 2.50 A at 52.25 V, 5.22% of capacity)

PSM 17:
  State:     Online
  DC input:  OK (INP0 feed expected, INP0 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC output: 157.50 W (Upper Zone, 3.00 A at 52.50 V, 6.30% of capacity)

  Upper Zone:
      Capacity:          22500 W (maximum 22500 W)
      Allocated power:   6757 W (15743 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      1286.25 W
  Lower Zone:
      Capacity:          22500 W (maximum 22500 W)
      Allocated power:   7240 W (15260 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      1696.62 W
  Total system capacity: 45000 W (maximum 45000 W)
  Total remaining power: 31003 W

show chassis power (MX10004 and MX10008)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 1248 W (zone 0, 104 A at 12 V, 46% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 1248 W (zone 0, 104 A at 12 V, 46% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 1260 W (zone 0, 105 A at 12 V, 46% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Present
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  Not ready

PEM 4:
  State:     Present
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  Not ready

PEM 5:
  State:     Present
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  Not ready

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          8100 W (maximum 8100 W)
      Allocated power:   7105 W (995 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      3756 W
  Total system capacity: 8100 W (maximum 8100 W)
  Total remaining power: 995 W

show chassis power detail (MX10004)

content_copy zoom_out_map
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2800 W (maximum 5500 W)
  AC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  Feed2:     AC input
  DC output: 744 W (zone 0, 62 A at 12 V, 13% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2800 W (maximum 5500 W)
  AC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  Feed2:     AC input
  DC output: 756 W (zone 0, 63 A at 12 V, 13% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2800 W (maximum 5500 W)
  AC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  Feed2:     AC input
  DC output: 744 W (zone 0, 62 A at 12 V, 13% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          8400 W (maximum 8400 W)
      Allocated power:   6197 W (2203 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      2244 W
  Total system capacity: 8400 W (maximum 8400 W)
  Total remaining power: 2203 W

Item                 Used(W)
  Fan Tray 0            138
  Fan Tray 1            136
  RE0/CB0                86
  RE1/CB1                96

Item                 Used(W)          Max(W)
  SFB 0                  94             225
  SFB 1                  91             225
  SFB 2                  91             225
  SFB 3                  93             225
  SFB 4                  90             225
  SFB 5                  94             225

Item                 Used(W)
  FPC 0                 775

Item                 Used(W)          Max(W)
  FPC 3                 522            1770

show chassis power (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power
Chassis Power        Input(V)      Used(W)

Total Power                         4006

  PDU 0                             1986
    PSM 0
      Input 1            54          149
    PSM 1
      Input 1            54          377
    PSM 2
      Input 1            54          745
    PSM 3
      Input 1            54          715

  PDU 1                             2020
    PSM 0
      Input 1            54          246
    PSM 1
      Input 1            54          332
    PSM 2
      Input 1            54          721
    PSM 3
      Input 1            54          721

show chassis power (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router with FPC2-PTX-P1A)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power

Chassis Power        Input(V)      Used(W)

Total Power                         4402

  PDU 0                             2104
    PSM 0
      Input 1            53          229
      Input 2            53          375
    PSM 1
    PSM 2
      Input 1            53          248
      Input 2            53          323
    PSM 3
    PSM 4
      Input 1            53          206
      Input 2            53          255
    PSM 5
    PSM 6
      Input 1            53          206
      Input 2            53          262
    PSM 7

  PDU 1                             2298
    PSM 0
    PSM 1
      Input 1            53          289
      Input 2            53          267
    PSM 2
    PSM 3
      Input 1            53          309
      Input 2            53          315
    PSM 4
    PSM 5
      Input 1            53          335
      Input 2            53          220
    PSM 6
    PSM 7
      Input 1            53          308
      Input 2            53          255

show chassis power detail (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail
Chassis Power        Input(V)      Used(W)

Total Power                         3997

  PDU 0                             1975
    PSM 0
      Input 1            54          136
    PSM 1
      Input 1            54          377
    PSM 2
      Input 1            54          741
    PSM 3
      Input 1            54          721

  PDU 1                             2022
    PSM 0
      Input 1            54          235
    PSM 1
      Input 1            54          332
    PSM 2
      Input 1            54          726
    PSM 3
      Input 1            54          729

Item                 Used(W)
  Fan Tray 0             49
  Fan Tray 1            127
  Fan Tray 2            117
  RE0/CB0               109
  RE1/CB1               100
  SIB/CCG/FPD           375
  FPC 0                 381
  FPC 1                   0
  FPC 2                 447
  FPC 3                 560
  FPC 4                   0
  FPC 5                 448
  FPC 6                 379
  FPC 7                 388

show chassis power detail (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router with FPC2-PTX-P1A)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail
Chassis Power        Input(V)      Used(W)

Total Power                         4394

  PDU 0                             2095
    PSM 0
      Input 1            53          222
      Input 2            53          368
    PSM 1
    PSM 2
      Input 1            53          248
      Input 2            53          329
    PSM 3
    PSM 4
      Input 1            53          212
      Input 2            53          248
    PSM 5
    PSM 6
      Input 1            53          206
      Input 2            53          262
    PSM 7

  PDU 1                             2299
    PSM 0
    PSM 1
      Input 1            53          296
      Input 2            53          260
    PSM 2
    PSM 3
      Input 1            53          309
      Input 2            53          315
    PSM 4
    PSM 5
      Input 1            53          342
      Input 2            53          214
    PSM 6
    PSM 7
      Input 1            53          308
      Input 2            53          255

Item                 Used(W)
  Fan Trays             252
  RE0/CB0                93
  RE1/CB1                92
  SIB                   360
  FPC 0                 369
      PIC 0              16
      PIC 1               0
  FPC 1                   0
  FPC 2                 437
      PIC 0              44             
      PIC 1              38
  FPC 3                 740
      PIC 0              41
      PIC 1              46
  FPC 4                 732
      PIC 0              74
      PIC 1              37
  FPC 5                   0
  FPC 6                   0
  FPC 7                   0

show chassis power detail (PTX10008 Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail

PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  OK (No feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 1164 W (zone 0, 97 A at 12 V, 43% of capacity)
PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 1188 W (zone 0, 99 A at 12 V, 44% of capacity)
PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2700 W (maximum 2700 W)
  AC input:  OK (No feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 1188 W (zone 0, 99 A at 12 V, 44% of capacity)
PEM 3:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent
PEM 4:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent
PEM 5:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent
  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          8100 W (maximum 8100 W)
      Allocated power:   7160 W (940 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      3540 W
  Total system capacity: 8100 W (maximum 8100 W)
  Total remaining power: 940 W
Item                 Used(W)
  Fan Tray 0            475
  Fan Tray 1            475
  RE0/CB0                42
  RE1/CB1                46            

show chassis power detail (PTX10016 Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail

PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 456 W (zone 0, 38 A at 12 V, 18% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (Both feed expected, Both feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)
PEM 4:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)
PEM 5:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)

PEM 6:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  DC output: 420 W (zone 0, 35 A at 12 V, 16% of capacity)

PEM 7:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)

PEM 8:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  DC output: 432 W (zone 0, 36 A at 12 V, 17% of capacity)

PEM 9:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  2500 W (maximum 2500 W)
  DC input:  OK (INP2 feed expected, INP2 feed connected)
  DC output: 420 W (zone 0, 35 A at 12 V, 16% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          25000 W (maximum 25000 W)
      Allocated power:   9550 W (15450 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      4320 W
  Total system capacity: 25000 W (maximum 25000 W)
  Total remaining power: 15450 W

Item                 Used(W)
  Fan Tray 0            975
  Fan Tray 1            975
  RE0/CB0                42
  RE1/CB1                46

show chassis power detail (EX9208 Switch)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail 
PEM 0:
  State:     Present
  AC input:  Out of range (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 0 W (zone 0, 0 A at 0 V, 0% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Present
  AC input:  Out of range (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 0 W (zone 0, 0 A at 0 V, 0% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Present
  AC input:  Out of range (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 0 W (zone 0, 0 A at 0 V, 0% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 754 W (zone 0, 13 A at 58 V, 36% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
      Allocated power:   1478 W (572 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      754 W
  Total system capacity: 2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  Total remaining power: 572 W

show chassis power detail (EX9253 Switch)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show chassis power detail 
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  1600 W (maximum 1600 W)
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  DC output: 564 W (zone 0, 47 A at 12 V, 35% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Present
  Input:     Absent

PEM 2:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

PEM 3:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

PEM 4:
  State:     Present
  Input:     Absent

PEM 5:
  State:     Online
  Capacity:  1600 W (maximum 1600 W)
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  DC output: 612 W (zone 0, 51 A at 12 V, 38% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          3200 W (maximum 3200 W)
      Allocated power:   2157 W (1043 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      1176 W
  Total system capacity: 3200 W (maximum 3200 W)
  Total remaining power: 1043 W

Item                 Used(W)
  FPC 0                 555
  FPC 1                 543
  Fan Tray 0             12
  Fan Tray 1             13
  Fan Tray 2             12
  Fan Tray 3             12
  RE0/CB0                55

show chassis power (PTX10008 with JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply Unit - Junos OS Evolved)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show chassis power
Chassis Power        Voltage(V)    Power(W)

Total Input Power                  10176
  PSM 0
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          912
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          936
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.29        1752.57   (80A input select)
  PSM 1
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          912
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          936
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.25         1747     (80A input select)
  PSM 2
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          888
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          912
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.51        1766.71   (80A input select)
  PSM 3
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          936
         B0              50
    PS1                  51          984
         A1              51
         B1              51
    Output            12.49        1807.91   (80A input select)
  PSM 4
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          864
         A0              51
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          936
         A1              51
         B1              52
    Output            12.45        1763.9    (80A input select)
  PSM 5
    State: Fault
    PS0                  51          960
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  52            0
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.43        913.38    (80A input select)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          27500 W (maximum 27500 W)
      Allocated power:   19840 W (7660 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      9216 W
  Total system capacity: 27500 W (maximum 27500 W)
  Total remaining power: 7660 W

show chassis power detail (PTX10008 with JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply Unit - Junos OS Evolved)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show chassis power detail
Chassis Power        Voltage(V)    Power(W)

Total Input Power                  10176
  PSM 0
    State: Online
    PS0                  52          912
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  52          936
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.29        1741.75   (80A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 1
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          912
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          936
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.25         1747     (80A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 2
    State: Online
    PS0                  52          888
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          912
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.51        1766.71   (80A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 3
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          936
         B0              50
    PS1                  51          984
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.49        1785.93   (80A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 4
    State: Online
    PS0                  51          864
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  51          936
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.47        1766.67   (80A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 5
    State: Fault
    PS0                  52          960
         A0              52
         B0              52
    PS1                  52            0
         A1              52
         B1              52
    Output            12.43        896.97    (80A input select)
    Capacity              0 W (maximum 0 W)

Item                 Used(W)
  CB 0                   80
  CB 1                   73
  FPC 0                1116
  FPC 1                1153
  FPC 2                 457
  FPC 3                 476
  FPC 4                 468
  FPC 5                 446
  FPC 6                1100
  FPC 7                 477
  SIB 0                 392
  SIB 1                 374
  SIB 2                 395
  SIB 3                 385
  SIB 4                 380
  SIB 5                 389
  Fan Tray 0            629
  Fan Tray 1            609

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          27500 W (maximum 27500 W)
      Allocated power:   19840 W (7660 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      9264 W
  Total system capacity: 27500 W (maximum 27500 W)
  Total remaining power: 7660 W

show chassis power (PTX10008 with JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply - Junos OS Evolved)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show chassis power
Chassis Power        Voltage(V)    Power(W)

Total Input Power                   7248
  PSM 0
    State: Online
    INP1                203          600
    INP2                203          600
    Output            12.25        1105.35   (30A input select)
  PSM 1
    State: Online
    INP1                203          600
    INP2                201          600
    Output            12.29        1092.65   (30A input select)
  PSM 2
    State: Online
    INP1                205          600
    INP2                201          600
    Output            12.27        1117.92   (30A input select)
  PSM 3
    State: Online
    INP1                205          624
    INP2                201          624
    Output            12.27        1155.72   (30A input select)
  PSM 4
    State: Online
    INP1                203          600
    INP2                203          600
    Output            12.25        1094.57   (30A input select)
  PSM 5
    State: Online
    INP1                201          600
    INP2                201          600
    Output            12.25        1094.57   (30A input select)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          33000 W (maximum 33000 W)
      Allocated power:   18810 W (14190 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      7248 W
  Total system capacity: 33000 W (maximum 33000 W)
  Total remaining power: 14190 W

show chassis power detail (PTX10008 with JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply - Junos OS Evolved)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show chassis power detail
Chassis Power        Voltage(V)    Power(W)

Total Input Power                   7248
  PSM 0
    State: Online  
    INP1                201          600
    INP2                205          600
    Output            12.25        1094.57   (30A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 1
    State: Online  
    INP1                203          600
    INP2                201          600
    Output            12.29        1087.24   (30A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 2
    State: Online
    INP1                201          600
    INP2                201          600
    Output            12.27        1112.52   (30A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 3
    State: Online
    INP1                203          624
    INP2                203          624
    Output            12.27        1155.72   (30A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 4
    State: Online
    INP1                203          600
    INP2                201          600
    Output            12.25        1094.57   (30A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)
  PSM 5
    State: Online  
    INP1                201          600
    INP2                203          600
    Output            12.25        1099.96   (30A input select)
    Capacity           5500 W (maximum 5500 W)

Item                 Used(W)
  CB 0                   86
  CB 1                   75
  FPC 0                 966
  FPC 2                 995
  FPC 3                 793
  FPC 5                 809
  FPC 7                 856
  SIB 0                 353
  SIB 1                 330
  SIB 2                 190
  SIB 3                 333
  SIB 4                   0
  SIB 5                 343
  Fan Tray 0            304
  Fan Tray 1            305

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          33000 W (maximum 33000 W)
      Allocated power:   18810 W (14190 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      7248 W
  Total system capacity: 33000 W (maximum 33000 W)
  Total remaining power: 14190 W

show chassis power (SRX5400)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@router> show chassis power
PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 342 W (zone 0, 6 A at 57 V, 16% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 232 W (zone 0, 4 A at 58 V, 11% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 228 W (zone 0, 4 A at 57 V, 11% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (1 feed expected, 1 feed connected)
  Capacity:  2050 W (maximum 2050 W)
  DC output: 171 W (zone 0, 3 A at 57 V, 8% of capacity)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
      Allocated power:   1442 W (2658 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      973 W
  Total system capacity: 4100 W (maximum 4100 W)
  Total remaining power: 2658 W

show chassis power (SRX5800)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@root> show chassis power

PEM 0:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  Check (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  Capacity:  5100 W (maximum 5100 W)
  DC output: 114 W (zone 0, 2 A at 57 V, 2% of capacity)

PEM 1:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  Check (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  Capacity:  5100 W (maximum 5100 W)
  DC output: 1197 W (zone 1, 21 A at 57 V, 29% of capacity)

PEM 2:
  State:     Online
  AC input:  OK (2 feed expected, 2 feed connected)
  Capacity:  5100 W (maximum 5100 W)
  DC output: 171 W (zone 0, 3 A at 57 V, 4% of capacity)

PEM 3:
  State:     Empty
  Input:     Absent

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          5100 W (maximum 5100 W)
      Allocated power:   595 W (4505 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      285 W
  Zone 1:
      Capacity:          5100 W (maximum 5100 W)
      Allocated power:   1815 W (3285 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      1197 W
  Total system capacity: 10200 W (maximum 10200 W)
  Total remaining power: 7790 W

show chassis power (ACX Series)

The command output is as follows when the default PSU 1+1 mode is active.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@root> show chassis power
Chassis Power        Voltage(V)    Power(W)
Total Input Power                     109
  PSM 0
    State: Online
    Input               229           61
    Output            12.15         51.75
    Capacity           400 W (maximum 400 W)
  PSM 1
    State: Online
    Input               230           48
    Output            12.17        38.79
    Capacity            400 W (maximum 400 W)

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          800 W (maximum 800 W)
      Actual usage:      109 W
  Total system capacity: 800 W (maximum 800 W)

show chassis power detail (ACX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis power detail

Chassis Power        Voltage(V)    Power(W)

Total Input Power                    454
  PSM 0
    State: Online
    Input                53          454
    Output            12.07        421.97
    Capacity           2200 W (maximum 2200 W)
  PSM 1
    State: Offline
    Input                 0            0
    Output                0            0
    Capacity              0 W (maximum 0 W)

Item                 Used(W)
  Routing Engine 0       35
  Routing Engine 1       34
  CB 0                   18
  FPC 1                  48
  FPC 2                  39
  FPC 3                  24
  Fan Tray 0              5
  Fan Tray 1              6
  Fan Tray 2              4
  Fan Tray 3              6
  FEB 0                 200

  Zone 0:
      Capacity:          2200 W (maximum 2200 W)
      Allocated power:   1815 W (385 W remaining)
      Actual usage:      454 W
  Total system capacity: 2200 W (maximum 2200 W)
  Total remaining power: 385 W

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0.
