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show system firmware



Display firmware information.


cb number

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers only) Show Control Board firmware version information.

Range: 0 to 1


(Optional) Display firmware compatibility information.

detail <(fpc slot-number>> | sfb slot-number)>

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers only) Show the current, primary, golden, and available firmware version information:

  • Current version: Firmware version running on the component

  • Primary version: Primary firmware version for the component

  • Golden version: Recovery firmware version (recovery image, if component fails to boot from the primary image).

  • Available version: Firmware available as part of the Jfirmware package, which is available for upgrade.


  • fpc slot-number: 0 to 3 (MX10004); 0 to 7 (MX10008)

  • sfb slot-number: 0 to 5

fpc slot-number

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers only) Show Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) firmware version information.

Range: 0 to 3 (MX10004); 0 to 7 (MX10008)

ftc slot-number

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers only) Show Fan Tray Controller (FTC) Board firmware version information.

Range: 0 to 6

pem slot-number

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers only) Show Power Entry Module (PEM) Board firmware version information.

Range: 0 to 2 (MX10004); 0 to 5 (MX10008)

routing-engine slot-number

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers only) Show Routing Engine firmware version information.

Range: 0 to 1

sfb slot-number

(Optional; MX10004 and MX10008 routers with SFB2 boards only) Show Switch Fabric Board firmware version information.

Range: 0 to 5

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

The following table lists all possible output fields for the show system firmware command. The fields that are displayed may vary depending on the platform and software release. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system firmware Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

With Command Options


Physical part on the router or switch affected by the firmware.



Type of firmware on the router or switch.



Location of the firmware on the interface.


Current version

Firmware version on the affected router or switch parts.


Primary version

Primary version number for the particular component. If NA, a primary firmware package is not available for that component.


Golden version

Recovery firmware version for the particular component (recovery image, if the component fails to boot from the primary image). If NA, a golden firmware package is not available for that component.


Available version

New versions of firmware for upgrading or downgrading. If 0, you cannot upgrade the firmware for that component. If NA, a firmware package is not available for that component.



Firmware condition on the router or switch.

all, except compatibility and detail


Whether you can upgrade or downgrade, or if no action is available (none).This field is displayed only if the show system firmware command is used with the compatibility option.


Sample Output (Junos OS)

show system firmware

show system firmware compatibility

show system firmware fpc 0 (MX10004 and MX10008 routers, with line cards LC2101, LC480, LC9600 and Switch Fabric Board SFB2)

show system firmware routing-engine 0 (MX10004 and MX10008 routers, with Switch Fabric Board SFB2)

show system firmware detail (MX10004 and MX10008 routers, with line cards LC2101, LC480, LC9600 and Switch Fabric Board SFB2)

show system firmware (QFX10008 Switch)

show system firmware (MX Series Routers with MIC3-100G-DWDM)

The current firmware version .0 does not match the available version 1.0. This output displays the status before the firmware upgrade.

show system firmware (MX Series Routers with MIC3-100G-DWDM)

The current firmware version 1.0 matches the available version 1.0. This output displays the status after the firmware upgrade.

show system firmware (MX10004 Router)

The MX10004 router supports up to six SFB2 slots and up to four FPC line cards.

show system firmware (PTX10003-80C Routers)

Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 19.1R1, on PTX10003-80C and PTX10003-160C routers, the show system firmware command displays information based on the accessibility of the device and not the FRU state. The firmware information is cached in the FRU online state if the device is accessible. This cached information is displayed even when the FRU is in error or offline condition.

show system firmware (SRX1600, SRX2300, and SRX4300)

Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, the show system firmware command is supported on SRX1600, SRX2300 and SRX4300 devices.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 7.4.

Options cb, detail, fpc, ftc, pem, routing-engine, and sfb introduced in Junos OS Release 24.2R1.