bfd-liveness-detection (EVPN Node Detection)
bfd-liveness-detection { no-adaptation; detection-time { threshold milliseconds; } inline-disable; minimum-interval milliseconds; minimum-receive-interval milliseconds; multiplier multiplier; neighbor neighbor; pdu-size pdu-size; transmit-interval { minimum-interval milliseconds; threshold milliseconds; } version(0 | 1 | automatic); }
Hierarchy Level
[edit logical-systems name protocols evpn node-detection], [edit protocols evpn node-detection]
Configure Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) timers and options for EVPN node detection.
no-adaptation |
Disable the BFD adaptation. Include this statement to prevent the BFD sessions from adapting to changing network conditions. |
detection-time |
inline-disable |
Disable inline mode for this BFD session |
minimum-interval milliseconds |
Configure the minimum transmit and receive interval the local device transmits
to, and expects a reply from, the BFD neighbor. Optionally, you can specify the
minimum receive interval separately using the
minimum-receive-interval milliseconds |
Configure the minimum interval the local device expects to receive a reply from
the BFD neighbor. Optionally, instead of using this statement, you can
configure the minimum receive interval using the
multiplier number |
Configure the number of BFD packets not received before declaring the BFD peer interface down.
neighbor |
Configure the interface address of the BFD neighbor. |
pdu-size |
Configure the BFD transport protocol payload size
transmit-interval |
version |
BFD protocol version number
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.