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Junos CLI Reference
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telemetry {
    interfaces junos-interface-name {
        unit "$junos-interface-unit" {
            family [inet | inet6] {
                filter {
                    input "inputFilter"; 
                    output "outputFilter";
    queue-statistics {
        interface $junos-interface-name {
            refresh rate;
            queues queue-set;
        interface-set $junos-interface-set-name {
            refresh rate;
            queues queue-set;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name]


Enable telemetry collection of subscriber statistics and queue statistics.

Include the subscriber-statistics statement to enable the export of subscriber statistics through telemetry. When this statement is configured, you must also include the actual-transit-statistics statement at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces interface-name unit unit-name} hierarchy level to enable subscriber-statistics.

Include the queue-statistics statement to instruct the statistics infrastructure to collect queue statistics for dynamic interfaces or interface-sets queue-statistics and enable export via Junos Telelemetry Interface (JTI).

The profile variable $junos-interface-name” and “$junos-interface-set-name” are generated from the corresponding device, unit and interface-set elements in the interfaces stanza at profile instantiation time. Using these derived variables is a convenient way to configure telemetry behavior for the interface or interface-set without the need to mimic the specific configuration in the interfaces stanza.

After telemetry for these statistics is enabled, they are eligible for export through a collector subscription.

For information about subscribing to the statistics through an external collector, see Configure a NETCONF Proxy Telemetry Sensor in Junos. For information about supported sensors for subscriber statistics and queue statistics, see Guidelines for gRPC and gNMI Sensors (Junos Telemetry Interface).



Enable the export of interface meta-data and export of subscriber accurate statistics. When this statement is configured, you must also include the actual-transit-statistics statement at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces interface-name unit unit-name] hierarchy level.

queue statistics interface “$junos-interface-name”

Enable the export of interface meta-data and interface queue statistics. The profile variable $junos-interface-name” is generated from the corresponding device, unit and interface elements in the interfaces stanza at profile instantiation time.

queue statistics interface-set “$junos-interface-set-name”

Enable the export of interface-set meta-data and interface-set queue statistics. The profile variable “$junos-interface-set-name” is generated from the corresponding device, unit and interface-set elements in the interfaces stanza at profile instantiation time.

refresh rate

Override the default internal queue statistics collection interval. If dynamic interfaces and interface-sets are created as a result of multiple dynamic profiles, each with their own refresh intervals, the smallest interval for each object type (interface or interface-set) is used to poll queue statistics for that object type. The default is 900 seconds.

Range: 300 seconds (5 minutes) to 86,400 seconds (24 hours)

queue “queue-set

Specify the set of queues for which queue-statistics will be exported. The queue set is a comma delimited string of integers. The default is all queues (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) are eligible for export.

Range: 0 to 7

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS 18.4.
