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show services l2tp summary

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services l2tp summary
<interface sp-fpc/pic/port>


(M10i and M7i routers: LNS only. MX Series routers: LAC and LNS.) Display Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) summary information.



Display complete L2TP summary information. For LNS on M Series routers, display L2TP summary information for all adaptive services interfaces. For LNS on MX Series routers, display L2TP summary information for all inline services interfaces.

interface sp-fpc/pic/port

(Optional) Display L2TP summary information for only the specified adaptive services interface. This option is not available for L2TP on MX Series routers.


(Optional) Display a summary of control packets and bytes transmitted and received.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services l2tp summary command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services l2tp summary Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Administrative state

Administrative state of the tunnel is drain. In this state you cannot configure new sessions, destinations, or tunnels at the LAC or LNS.

Failover within a preference level

State of this tunnel selection method on the LAC. When enabled, tunnel selection fails over within a preference level. When disabled, tunnel selection drops to the next lower preference level. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.

Weighted load balancing

State of this tunnel selection method on the LAC. When enabled, the maximum session limit of a tunnel determines its weight within a preference level. Tunnel selection proceeds from greatest to least weight. When disabled, selection defaults to a round robin method. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.

Destination equal load balancing

State of this tunnel selection method on the LAC. When enabled, the LAC selects tunnels based on the session count for destinations and the tunnel session count. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.

Tunnel authentication challenge

State of tunnel authentication, indicating whether the LAC and LNS exchange an authentication challenge and response during the establishment of the tunnel. The state is Enabled when a secret is configured in the tunnel profile or on the RADIUS server in the Tunnel-Password attribute [69]. The state is Disabled when the secret is not present. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.

Calling number avp

When the state is Enabled, the LAC includes the value of the Calling Number AVP 22 in ICRQ packets sent to the LNS. When the state is Disabled, the attribute is not sent to the LNS. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.

Failover Protocol

When the state is enabled, the LAC operates in the default failover-protocol-fall-back-to-silent-failover manner. When the state is disabled, the disable-failover-protocol statement has been issued and the LAC operates only in silent failover mode. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.

Tx connect speed method

The connection speed method configured to send the speed values in the L2TP Tx Connect Speed (AVP 24) and L2TP Rx Connect Speed (AVP 38). Possible values are:

  • actual

    This is the default value in Junos OS Releases 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, and 17.1. It is deprecated in Junos Releases 17.2 and higher.

  • ancp

  • none

  • pppoe-ia-tag

  • service-profile

  • static

    This is the default value in Junos Releases 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 17.2 and higher. It is deprecated in Junos OS Releases 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, and 17.1.

Rx speed avp when equal

Indicates if the Rx connect speed when equal configuration is enabled or disabled.

Tunnel assignment id

Format of the tunnel name.

Format of the tunnel name, based on RADIUS attributes returned from the AAA server:

  • authentication-id—Name consists of only Tunnel Assignment-Id [82]. This is the default value.

  • client-server-id—Name is a combination of Tunnel-Client-Auth-Id [90], Tunnel-Server-Endpoint [67], and Tunnel-Assignment-Id [82]. This format is available only on MX Series routers.

Tunnel Tx Address Change

Action taken by LAC when it receives a request from a peer to change the destination IP address, UDP port, or both:

  • accept—Accepts change requests for the IP address or UDP port. This is the default action.

  • ignore—Ignores all change requests.

  • ignore-ip-address—Ignores change requests for the IP address but accepts them for the UDP port.

  • ignore-udp-port—Ignores change requests for the UDP port but accepts them for the IP address.

Min Retransmission Timeout for control packets

Minimum number of seconds that the local peer waits for the initial response after transmitting an L2TP control packet. If no response has been received by the time the period expires, the local peer retransmits the packet.

Min Retransmission Timeout for control packets

Minimum number of seconds that the local peer waits for the initial response after transmitting an L2TP control packet. If no response has been received by the time the period expires, the local peer retransmits the packet.

Max Retransmissions for Established Tunnel

Maximum number of times control messages are retransmitted for established tunnels.

Max Retransmissions for Not Established Tunnel

Maximum number of times control messages are retransmitted for tunnels that are not established.

Tunnel Idle Timeout

Period that a tunnel can be inactive–that is, carrying no traffic–before it times out and is torn down.

Destruct Timeout

Period that the router attempts to maintain dynamic destinations, tunnels, and sessions after they have been destroyed.

Reassembly Service Set

Indicates active IP reassembly configured for the interface.

Destination Lockout Timeout

Timeout period for which all future destinations are locked out, meaning that they are not considered for selection when a new tunnel is created.

Access Line Information

State of LAC global configuration for forwarding subscriber line information to the LNS, Enabled or Disabled.

Indicates active IP reassembly configured for the interface.

Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, this information can also be displayed on the LNS for information it receives from the LAC.

IPv6 Services for LAC Sessions

State of LAC IPv6 service configuration for creating the IPv6 (inet6) address family for LAC subscribers, allowing the application of IPv6 firewall filters, Enabled or Disabled.

Speed Updates

State of LAC global configuration for including connection speed updates when it forwards subscriber line information to the LNS, Enabled or Disabled.

Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, this information can also be displayed on the LNS for updates it receives from the LAC.


Number of L2TP destinations for the LAC. Not displayed for LNS on M Series routers.


Number of L2TP tunnels established on the router.


Number of L2TP sessions established on the router.

Switched sessions

Number of L2TP tunnel-switched sessions established on the router.


Count of L2TP control packets and bytes sent and received.


Count of L2TP data packets and bytes sent and received.


Count of L2TP error packets and bytes sent and received.

Sample Output

show services l2tp summary (LAC on M Series routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp summary
Administrative state is Drain
Failover within a preference level is Disabled
Weighted load balancing is Enabled
Destination equal load balancing is Disabled
Tunnel authentication challenge is Enabled
Calling number avp is Enabled
Failover Protocol is Disabled
Tunnel assignment id format is authentication-id
Destinations: 1 Tunnels: 1, Sessions: 1
	  Tx packets     Rx packets  Memory (bytes)
Control    260             144              11513856
Data       7.5k           16.9k             8.3k
Errors        0              0

show services l2tp summary (LAC on MX Series routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp summary
Administrative state is Drain
  	Failover within a preference level is Disabled
  Weighted load balancing is Disabled
  Destination equal load balancing is Enabled
  Tunnel authentication challenge is Enabled
  Calling number avp is Enabled
  Failover Protocol is Disabled
  Tx Connect speed method is static
  Rx speed avp when equal is enabled
  Tunnel Tx Address Change is Accept
  Min Retransmissions Timeout for control packets is 2 seconds
  Max Retransmissions for Established Tunnel is 7
  Max Retransmissions for Not Established Tunnel is 5
  Tunnel Idle Timeout is 60 seconds
  Destruct Timeout is 300 seconds
  Destination Lockout Timeout is 300 seconds
  Reassembly Service Set is ssnr3
  Access Line Information is Enabled, Speed Updates is Enabled
  IPv6 Services For LAC Sessions is Enabled 
  Destinations: 0, Tunnels: 0, Sessions: 0, Switched sessions: 0

show services l2tp summary (LNS on MX Series routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host show services l2tp summary
 Administrative state is Drain
  Failover within a preference level is Disabled
  Weighted load balancing is Disabled
  Destination equal load balancing is Disabled
  Tunnel authentication challenge is Enabled
  Calling number avp is Enabled
  Failover Protocol is Enabled
  Tx Connect speed method is static
  reassembly Service Set is ssnr3
  Destinations: 4, Tunnels: 19, Sessions: 65, Switched sessions: 2
  Access Line Information is Enabled, Speed Updates is Enabled

show services l2tp summary (LNS on M Series routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp summary
Tunnels: 2, Sessions: 2, Errors: 0
    Tx packets   Rx packets    Memory (bytes)
Control     6k           9k                 688k
Data       70k          70k                 3054

show services l2tp summary statistics (MX Series routers)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>show services l2tp summary statistics
Administrative state is Drain
Failover within a preference level is Disabled
Weighted load balancing is Disabled
Destination equal load balancing is Disabled
Tunnel authentication challenge is Enabled
Calling number avp is Enabled
Failover Protocol is Enabled
Tx Connect speed method is advisory
Tunnel assignment id format is assignment-id
Tunnel Tx Address Change is Accept
Min Retransmissions Timeout for control packets is 4 seconds
Max Retransmissions for Established Tunnel is 7
Max Retransmissions for Not Established Tunnel is 5
Tunnel Idle Timeout is 60 seconds
Destruct Timeout is 300 seconds
Destination Lockout Timeout is 300 seconds 
Destinations: 1, Tunnels: 1, Sessions: 31815, Switched sessions: 0
					Tx packets    Rx packets  Memory (bytes)
  Control          90.4k           32.0k       245678080
  Data             127.3k          100.8kk      			0
  Errors             	0             		0

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Support for LAC on MX Series routers introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.

Support for LNS on MX Series routers introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.

Support for statistics option introduced in Junos OS Release 13.1.
