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show dhcpv6 server statistics (View)



Display DHCPv6 local server statistics.


logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Display information about extended DHCPv6 local server statistics on the specified logical system. If you do not specify a logical system, statistics are displayed for the default logical system.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Display information about DHCPv6 local server statistics on the specified routing instance. If you do not specify a routing instance, statistics are displayed for the default routing instance.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show dhcpv6 server statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show dhcpv6 server statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Dhcpv6 Packets dropped

Number of packets discarded by the DHCPv6 local server because of errors. Only nonzero statistics appear in the Packets dropped output. When all of the Packets dropped statistics are 0 (zero), only the Total field appears.

  • Total—Total number of packets discarded by the DHCPv6 local server

  • Authentication—Number of packets discarded because they could not be authenticated

  • Strict Reconfigure—Number of solicit messages discarded because the client does not support reconfiguration

  • Bad hardware address—Number of packets discarded because an invalid hardware address was specified

  • Bad opcode—Number of packets discarded because an invalid operation code was specified

  • Bad options—Number of packets discarded because invalid options were specified

  • Invalid server address—Number of packets discarded because an invalid server address was specified

  • No available addresses—Number of packets discarded because there were no addresses available for assignment

  • No interface match—Number of packets discarded because they did not belong to a configured interface

  • No routing instance match—Number of packets discarded because they did not belong to a configured routing instance

  • No valid local address—Number of packets discarded because there was no valid local address

  • Packet too short—Number of packets discarded because they were too short

  • Read error—Number of packets discarded because of a system read error

  • Send error—Number of packets that the DHCPv6 local server could not send

Messages received

Number of DHCPv6 messages received.

  • DHCPV6_CONFIRM—Number of DHCPv6 CONFIRM PDUs received.

  • DHCPV6_DECLINE—Number of DHCPv6 DECLINE PDUs received.


  • DHCPV6_REBIND—Number of DHCPv6 REBIND PDUs received.

  • DHCPV6_RELAY_FORW—Number of DHCPv6 RELAY-FORW PDUs received from a relay by the DHCPv6 server.

  • DHCPV6_RELEASE—Number of DHCPv6 RELEASE PDUs received.

  • DHCPV6_RENEW—Number of DHCPv6 RENEW PDUs received.

  • DHCPV6_REQUEST—Number of DHCPv6 REQUEST PDUs received.

  • DHCPV6_SOLICIT—Number of DHCPv6 SOLICIT PDUs received.

Messages sent

Number of DHCPv6 messages sent.

  • DHCPV6_ADVERTISE—Number of DHCPv6 ADVERTISE PDUs transmitted.

  • DHCPV6_REPLY—Number of DHCPv6 ADVERTISE PDUs transmitted.

  • DHC6_RECONFIGURE—Number of DHCPv6 RECONFIGURE PDUs transmitted.

  • DHCPV6_RELAY_REPL—Number of DHCPv6 RELAY-REPL PDUs sent from DHCPv6 server to DHCPv6 relay.

Sample Output

show dhcpv6 server statistics

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.