clear firewall (QFX)
clear firewall (all | counter counter-name | filter filter-name)
Clear statistics provided by firewall filters.
When you clear the counters of a filter, this not only impacts the counters shown by the CLI, but also the ones tracked by SNMP 2.
If you clear statistics for firewall filters that are applied to Trio-based DPCs and that also use the prefix-action action on matched packets, wait at least 5 seconds before you enter the show firewall prefix-action-stats command. A 5-second pause between issuing the clear firewall and show firewall prefix-action-stats commands avoids a possible timeout of the show firewall prefix-action-stats command.
all |
Clear the packet and byte counts for all firewall filter counters and clear the packet counts for all policer counters. |
counter counter-name |
Clear the packet and byte counts for the specified firewall filter counter. |
filter filter-name |
Clear the packet and byte counts for the specified firewall filter. |
policer counter (all | counter-id counter-index) |
Clear all policer counters using the |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.
Sample Output
clear firewall all
user@switch> clear firewall all
clear firewall counter
user@switch> clear firewall counter port-filter-counter
clear firewall filter
user@switch> clear firewall filter ingress-port-filter
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.