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show unified-edge tdf aaa statistics



Display global statistics for accounting requests and responses for one or more TDF gateways. If a TDF gateway is not specified, then statistics for all TDF gateways are displayed.



(Same as brief) Display statistics for all TDF gateways.

brief | detail

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

The brief option displays the consolidated statistics for all TDF gateways, and the detail option displays the statistics for each Services PIC on the configured TDF gateways.

fpc-slot fpc-slot

(Optional) Display statistics for the specified Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC).

gateway gateway

(Optional) Display statistics for the specified TDF gateway.

pic-slot pic-slot

(Optional) Display statistics for the specified PIC slot number. You must first specify an FPC slot number before specifying the PIC slot number.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show unified-edge tdf aaa statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show unified-edge tdf aaa statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Gateway Name

Name of the TDF gateway. If the statistics for all TDF gateways are displayed, then All is displayed.

All levels


FPC and PIC slot numbers for which the statistics are displayed.


Total Messages

Total number of all RADIUS requests and responses for the following categories:

  • Received

  • Sent

  • Snooped—Snooped by the MX Series router.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

All levels

Forwarded In and Forwarded Out are displayed only with the detail option.

Access Requests

Number of access requests for the following category:

  • Sent—Sent to the RADIUS server from the FPC slot and PIC slot.

All levels

Access Responses

Number of access responses for the following category:

  • Received—Received from the RADIUS server for the FPC slot and PIC slot.

The following information is displayed:

  • Accept—Number of access accepts sent by the RADIUS server.

  • Reject—Number of access requests rejected by the RADIUS server.

All levels

Accounting Requests

Number of accounting requests for the following categories:

  • Received

  • Sent

  • Snooped—Snooped by the MX Series router.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

The following information is displayed for each category:

  • Start—Number of Accounting Start requests.

  • Interim—Number of Accounting Interim-Update requests.

  • Stop—Number of Accounting Stop requests.

  • On—Number of Accounting On requests.

  • Off—Number of Accounting Off requests.

All levels

Forwarded In and Forwarded Out are displayed only with the detail option.

Accounting Responses

Number of accounting responses for the following categories:

  • Received

  • Sent

  • Snooped—Snooped by the MX Series router.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

The following information is displayed for each category:

  • Start—Number of Accounting Start responses.

  • Interim—Number of Accounting Interim-Update responses.

  • Stop—Number of Accounting Stop responses.

  • On—Number of Accounting On responses.

  • Off—Number of Accounting Off responses.

All levels

detail—Number of responses that are forwarded into the interface and forwarded out of the interface is displayed only with the detail option.

Change of Auth Requests

Number of change of authorization (CoA) requests for the following categories:

  • Received—Received from the RADIUS server.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

All levels

Forwarded In and Forwarded Out are displayed only with the detail option.

Change of Auth Responses

Number of CoA responses for the following category:

  • Sent—Sent to the RADIUS server from the FPC slot and PIC slot.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

The following information is displayed:

  • Ack—Number of CoA acknowledgements sent to the RADIUS server.

  • Nack—Number of CoA negative acknowledgements sent to the RADIUS server.

All levels

Forwarded In and Forwarded Out are displayed only with the detail option.

Disconnect Message Requests

Number of Disconnect Message requests for the following categories:

  • Received—Received from the RADIUS server.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

All levels

Forwarded In and Forwarded Out are displayed only with the detail option.

Disconnect Message Responses

Number of Disconnect Message responses for the following categories:

  • Sent—Sent to the RADIUS server.

  • Forwarded In—Forwarded into the interface.

  • Forwarded Out—Forwarded out of the interface.

The following information is displayed:

  • Ack—Number of Disconnect Message acknowledgements sent to the RADIUS server.

  • Nack—Number of Disconnect Message negative acknowledgements sent to the RADIUS server.

All levels

Forwarded In and Forwarded Out are displayed only with the detail option.


Number of duplicate requests received from RADIUS clients.

All levels

Request Processing errors

Number of errors that occurred during the processing of accounting requests.

All levels

Response Processing errors

Number of errors that occurred during the processing of access and accounting response packets from the RADIUS server.

All levels

Request Transmit errors

Number of errors that occurred during the transmission of access and accounting requests.

All levels

Response Transmit errors

Number of errors that occurred during the transmission of access and accounting responses to the RADIUS server.

All levels

Request Enqueue Errors

Number of errors that occurred while trying to place an access or accounting request packet in the queue.

All levels

Response Enqueue Errors

Number of errors that occurred while trying to place an access or accounting response packet in the queue.

All levels

Request Timeouts

Number of access and accounting requests to the RADIUS server that timed out.

All levels

Request Retransmissions

Number of access and accounting requests that were retransmitted to the RADIUS server because they did not receive a response.

All levels

Dropped Requests

Number of accounting requests that were dropped.

All levels

Dropped Responses

Number of access or accounting responses from the RADIUS server that were dropped.

All levels

Missing TDF Domain

Number of accounting requests from the GGSN, PGW, or BNG for which the TDF domain corresponding to the subscriber was not available.

All levels

Missing PCEF profile

Number of accounting requests from the GGSN, PGW, or BNG for which the PCEF profile corresponding to the subscriber was not available.

All levels

Server Initiated Request Processing Errors

Number of processing errors of CoA and Disconnect Message requests from the RADIUS server.

All levels

Dropped Server Initiated Requests

Number of CoA and Disconnect Message requests from the RADIUS server that were dropped.

All levels

Duplicate Server Initiated Requests

Number of duplicate requests received from RADIUS servers.

All levels

Cached Reply Sent

Number of RADIUS cached responses sent for RADIUS accounting request messages from the GGSN, PGW, or BNG. RADIUS replies are stored in the MX Series router response cache.

All levels

Sample Output

show unified-edge tdf aaa statistics brief

show unified-edge tdf aaa statistics detail

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.