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Junos CLI Reference
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extended-vni-list [list of VNIs | all];

Hierarchy Level

For MX Series routers, EX9200, and QFX Series switches:

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[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols],
[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols evpn]


Establishes which VXLAN Network Identifiers (VNI) will be part of the Virtual Switch (VS) instance. When you issue the commit check command to verify the candidate configuration syntax without committing it, it also checks if the specified VNI(s) is associated with a bridge domain (BD) (bridge-domain name vxlan vni).

There are different broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) replication options available in Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN). By using the extended-vni-list statement, you forgo a multicast underlay in favor of EVPN and VXLAN ingress-replication.


The extended-vni-list statement is an exclusive command. You cannot configure the extended-vni-list statement with either the extended-vlan-list or extended-vni-all statements.


If you configure the extended-vni-list statement, then you must also configure the encapsulation (protocols evpn) vxlan statement.


The extended-vni-list statement is optional for routing-instances of type mac-vrf. In the mac-vrf type routing instance, all VNI are extended by default.

If you configure an extended-vni-list within a specific mac-vrf type routing instance, you negate the default behavior for that routing instance.


list of VNIs

Specify a single VNI or list of VNIs as part of the VS instance, for example extended-vni-list [ 10-50 60 70].


Include all VNIs as part of the VS instance. By specifying all, you bypass the commit check process and all configured BDs in the EVPN are considered extended.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D15.

Support for logical systems on MX Series routers added in Junos OS Release 17.4R1.
