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show dhcp relay active-leasequery

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show dhcp relay active-leasequery
<details | summary>
<interface interface-name>
<logical-system logical-system-name>
<peer ip-address>
<routing-instance routing-instance-name>


Display information about DHCPv4 active leasequery peer relay agents.



(Optional) Display the topology discovery translation table for the specified peer. You must also specify the peer ip-address option.


(Optional) Display summary information for all active leasequery peers. The summary option produces the same output as not specifying any option. You can also specify the logical-system logical-system-name option or the routing-instance routing-instance-name option with the summary option. You cannot specify any other option with the summary option.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display active leasequery statistics for a specific access interface. You must also specify the statistics option.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Perform this operation on the specified logical system. If you do not specify a logical system name, statistics are displayed for the default logical system.

peer ip-address

(Optional) Display information about active leasequery peer relay agents. You must also specify either the details option or the statistics option.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Perform this operation on the specified routing instance. If you do not specify a routing instance name, statistics are displayed for the default routing instance.


(Optional) Display active leasequery statistics for a specific active leasequery peer relay agent or a specific access interface. You must also specify either the peer ip-address option or the interface interface-name option.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show dhcp relay active-leasequery command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show dhcp relay active-leasequery Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


IP address of topology discovery peer relay agent.

Connected Peers

Number of access interfaces that have completed the topology discovery process and are associated with the peer. Each interface is in the Connected state.

Connecting Peers

Number of access interfaces that are configured with topology discovery but have not completed the topology discovery process. Consequently these interfaces are not yet associated with any peer. Each interface is in the Connecting state. When topology discovery completes and the interface is associated with a peer, the state moves to Connected.

Local Circuit ID

The local access interface for the specified peer.

Remote Circuit ID

The remote access interface on another peer relay agent that corresponds to the specified peer’s local access interface.

Local Interface Address

IP address of the local access interface.


State of the topology discovery process.

  • Done—Topology discovery has completed for the specified peer.

Redundancy State

M:N redundancy state associated with the peer or interface.

  • Backup—The specified peer or interface is currently in backup mode. This means that the BNG hosting the relay agent is the current backup BNG for the group.

  • Master—The specified peer or interface is currently in primary mode. This means that the BNG hosting the relay agent is the current primary BNG for the group.

  • Unknown—The redundancy state of the peer or interface is unknown.


Randomly generated, temporary transaction ID for the topology discovery query sent for the local access interface.

Remote ALQ Status

State of the active leasequery process.

  • Done—The active leasequery process has completed. Subscriber state and binding information has been synchronized for subscriber groups that use the local access interface.

  • Queued—The active leasequery is queued. Subscriber state and binding information are not yet synchronized/

  • Unknown—Active leasequery process state is unknown.


Name of the specified address for which statistics are displayed.

Topology-Discover Configured

Indicates whether topology discovery has been configured on the specified peer or interface, Yes or No.

Bindings Sent

Number of DHCP bindings sent based on active leasequery for the specified interface or peer.

For the interface, it’s the count of all bindings sent over the interface.

For the peer, it’s the count of all bindings sent over all interfaces that belong to the peer.

Bindings Received

Number of DHCP bindings received based on active leasequery for the specified interface or peer.

For the interface, it’s the count of all bindings received over the interface.

For the peer, it’s the count of all bindings received over all interfaces that belong to the peer.

Bindings Installed Successfully

Number of DHCP bindings successfully installed based on active leasequery for the specified interface or peer.

For the interface, it’s the count of all bindings successfully installed over the interface.

For the peer, it’s the count of all bindings successfully installed over all interfaces that belong to the peer.

Bindings Failed to Install

Number of DHCP bindings that failed to install based on active leasequery for the specified interface or peer.

For the interface, it’s the count of all bindings that failed over the interface.

For the peer, it’s the count of all bindings that failed over all interfaces that belong to the peer.

Last Synchronization Time

Time stamp for the last time synchronization for subscribers occurred for the specified interface or peer.

ALQ Transmit Buffer count

The maximum TCP received and transmitted bytes buffer for the jdhcpd process. The value is nonconfigurable and is always 65,535 (ffff).

Max Leasequery Transmit Rate

The transmit rate of bulk leasequery replies per second. It is the maximum number of bulk leasequery replies per one-second interval. The value is nonconfigurable and is always 60. For example, if 600 leases are synchronized to the peer, it takes 10 seconds to complete.

Local Interface Count

Number of local access interfaces for the specified peer or interface.

For the interface, the value is always 1.

Remote Interface Count

Number of remote access interfaces for the specified peer or interface.

For the interface, the value is always 1.

Sample Output

show dhcp relay active-leasequery (Summary)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay active-leasequery summary

            Active Lease-query peer List:

            peer                  Connected Peers          Connecting Peers
               1000                     0
            1000                     0
            10:80:3::2            2                        0

show dhcp relay active-leasequery (IPv4 Peer Details)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay active-leasequery peer details

 Local Circuit-ID   Remote Circuit-ID   Local Interface Address   State   Redundancy State   xid        Remote ALQ Status
 ge-2/1/1.1020      ge-0/0/6.1020               Done    Backup             0xb9dc35   Done

show dhcp relay active-leasequery (IPv6 Peer Details)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay active-leasequery peer 2001:db8:1:3::20 details

Local Circuit-ID    Remote Circuit-ID   Local Interface Address   State   Redundancy State   xid         Remote ALQ Status
 ps3.0               ps3.0              2001:db8:80:1::1          Done    Master             0x663345    Done
 ps4.0               ps4.0              2001:db8:90:1::2          Done    Master             0xb68623    Done 

show dhcp relay active-leasequery (Peer Details Pseudowire Interfaces)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay active-leasequery statistics interface peer details

 Local Circuit-ID    Remote Circuit-ID   Local Interface Address   State   Redundancy State   xid         Remote ALQ Status
 ps1.0               ps1.0                   Done    Backup             0x5da771    Done
 ps2.0               ps2.0                   Done    Backup             0x7c7859    Unknown

show dhcp relay active-leasequery (Peer Statistics)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay active-leasequery statistics peer routing-instance RI-test-vrf

     peer :
     Topology-Discover Configured           : Yes
     State                                  : Done
     Bindings Sent                          : 111
     Bindings Received                      : 0
     Bindings Installed Successfully        : 0
     Bindings Failed to install             : 0
     Last Synchronization Time              : 2019-02-15 16:28:36 IST
     ALQ Transmit Buffer count              : ffff
     Max Leasequery Transmit Rate           : 60
     Local Interface count                  : 4
     Remote Interface count                 : 4

show dhcp relay active-leasequery (Interface Statistics)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show dhcp relay active-leasequery statistics interface ge-2/1/1.1020 routing-instance R1-test-vrf
     Interface : ge-2/1/1.1020
     Topology-Discover Configured           : Yes
     State                                  : Done
     Bindings Sent                          : 400
     Bindings Received                      : 0
     Bindings Installed Successfully        : 0
     Bindings Failed to install             : 0
     Last Synchronization Time              : 2019-02-15 16:20:05 IST
     ALQ Transmit Buffer count              : ffff
     Max Leasequery Transmit Rate           : 60
     Local Interface count                  : 1
     Remote Interface count                 : 1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.
