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show security idp counters ips

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show security idp counters ips
<logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>
<tenant tenant-name>


Displays the status of all IPS counter values.



Displays the status of all IPS counter values for root-system.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Displays the status of all IPS counter values for a specific logical system.

logical-system all

(Optional) Displays the status of all IPS counter values for all logical systems.

tenant tenant-name

(Optional) Displays the status of all IPS counter values for a specific tenant system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security idp counters ips command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show security idp counters ips Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

TCP fast path

Number of TCP packets skipped for IDS processing.

Layer-4 anomalies

Number of Layer-4 protocol error or anomaly.

Anomaly hash misses

Number of times look failed on anomaly hash.

Line context matches

Number of attempts to match line based attacks in traffic stream.

Stream256 context matches

Number of attempts to match stream based attacks in first 256 bytes of traffic stream.

Stream context matches

Number of attempts to match stream based attacks in traffic stream.

Packet context matches

Number of attempts to match packet based attacks in traffic packet.

Packet header matches

Number of attempts to match packet header based attacks in traffic packet.

Context matches

Number of attempts to match protocol context based attacks in traffic stream.

Regular expression matches

Number of attempts to match PCRE expressions in traffic stream.

Tail DFAs

Number of attempts to match an attack on tail DFA group matches.

Exempted attacks

Number of attacks exempted from match as per exempt rulebase.

Out of order chains

Number of times attack is excluded from match due to member attacks in an attack group did not complete chain.

Partial chain matches

Number of attacks in partial chain match with attack scope as transaction.

IDS device FIFO size

Number of IDS contexts in virtual IDS device.

IDS device FIFO overflows

Number of times an IDS context can not be written as the IDS device is full.

Brute force queue size

Number of entries in the brute force queue.

IDS cache hits


Number of sessions those found attack instance in IDS cache.

IDS cache misses


Number of sessions those did not find attack instance in IDS cache.

Shellcode detection invocations

Number of times shell code match is attempted.

Wrong offsets

Number of times attack's offset is not within the service offset range.

No peer MAC


Number of times flow peer MAC address is not available.

Number of times custom feed updated

Number of times the custom feeds are updated.

Number of times custom feed update failed due to error

Number of times the custom feed updates failed due to an error.

Number of times custom feed update failed due to out of memory

Number of times custom feed updates failed due to memory capacity.

Number of times custom feed update failed due to feed not found

Number of times custom feed updates failed due to the feed not found.

Number of times custom feed update returned unexpected value

Number of times custom feed updates returned an unexpected value.

Sample Output

show security idp counters ips

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security idp counters ips             
IDP counters:
 IDP counter type                                                      Value
 TCP fast path                                                           15
 Layer-4 anomalies                                                       0
 Anomaly hash misses                                                     3
 Line context matches                                                    5
 Stream256 context matches                                               5
 Stream context matches                                                  5
 Packet context matches                                                  0
 Packet header matches                                                   0
 Context matches                                                         12
 Regular expression matches                                              0
 Tail DFAs                                                               0
 Exempted attacks                                                        0
 Out of order chains                                                     0
 Partial chain matches                                                   0
 IDS device FIFO size                                                    0
 IDS device FIFO overflows                                               0
 Brute force queue size                                                  0
 IDS cache hits                                                          0
 IDS cache misses                                                        0
 Shellcode detection invocations                                         0
 Wrong offsets                                                           0
 No peer MAC                                                             0
 Content-decompression memory usage in KB                                0
 Content-decompression memory over limit                                 0
 Content-decompression gunzip called                                     0
 Content-decompression gunzip failed                                     0
 Content-decompression others called                                     0
 Content-decompression others failed                                     0
 Content-decompression input bytes                                       0
 Content-decompression output bytes                                      0
 Content-decompression ratio over limit                                  0
 Content-decompression type mismatch                                     0
 URL track session bypassed                                              0
 Exceeded max Tail DFA transition limit                                  0
 Number of times HS stream close failed                                  0
 Number of times HS stream open failed                                   0
 Number of times HS scan stream failed                                   0
 Number of times HS scan failed                                          0
 Number of times custom feed updated                                     0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to error                  0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to out of memory          0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to feed not found         0
 Number of times custom feed update returned unexpected value            0

show security idp counters ips logical-system LSYS1

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security idp counters ips logical-system LSYS1             
IDP counters:

  IDP counter type                                                      Value
 TCP fast path                                                           40
 Layer-4 anomalies                                                       0
 Anomaly hash misses                                                     4
 Line context matches                                                    0
 Stream256 context matches                                               0
 Stream context matches                                                  0
 Packet context matches                                                  0
 Packet header matches                                                   0
 Context matches                                                         4
 Context reset                                                           0
 Regular expression matches                                              0
 Tail DFAs                                                               0
 Exempted attacks                                                        0
 Out of order chains                                                     0
 Partial chain matches                                                   0
 IDS device FIFO size                                                    0
 IDS device FIFO overflows                                               0
 Brute force queue size                                                  2
 IDS cache hits                                                          0
 IDS cache misses                                                        0
 Shellcode detection invocations                                         0
 Wrong offsets                                                           0
 No peer MAC                                                             0
 Content-decompression memory usage in KB                                0
 Content-decompression memory over limit                                 0
 Content-decompression gunzip called                                     0
 Content-decompression gunzip failed                                     0
 Content-decompression others called                                     0
 Content-decompression others failed                                     0
 Content-decompression input bytes                                       0
 Content-decompression output bytes                                      0
 Content-decompression ratio over limit                                  0
 Content-decompression type mismatch                                     0
 URL track session bypassed                                              0
 Exceeded max Tail DFA transition limit                                  0
 Number of times HS stream close failed                                  0
 Number of times HS stream open failed                                   0
 Number of times HS scan stream failed                                   0
 Number of times HS scan failed                                          0
 Number of times custom feed updated                                     0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to error                  0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to out of memory          0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to feed not found         0
 Number of times custom feed update returned unexpected value            0

show security idp counters ips tenant TSYS1

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security idp counters ips tenant TSYS1             
IDP counters:

  IDP counter type                                                      Value
 TCP fast path                                                           16
 Layer-4 anomalies                                                       0
 Anomaly hash misses                                                     1
 Line context matches                                                    0
 Stream256 context matches                                               0
 Stream context matches                                                  0
 Packet context matches                                                  0
 Packet header matches                                                   0
 Context matches                                                         1
 Context reset                                                           0
 Regular expression matches                                              0
 Tail DFAs                                                               0
 Exempted attacks                                                        0
 Out of order chains                                                     0
 Partial chain matches                                                   0
 IDS device FIFO size                                                    0
 IDS device FIFO overflows                                               0
 Brute force queue size                                                  0
 IDS cache hits                                                          0
 IDS cache misses                                                        0
 Shellcode detection invocations                                         0
 Wrong offsets                                                           0
 No peer MAC                                                             0
 Content-decompression memory usage in KB                                0
 Content-decompression memory over limit                                 0
 Content-decompression gunzip called                                     0
 Content-decompression gunzip failed                                     0
 Content-decompression others called                                     0
 Content-decompression others failed                                     0
 Content-decompression input bytes                                       0
 Content-decompression output bytes                                      0
 Content-decompression ratio over limit                                  0
 Content-decompression type mismatch                                     0
 URL track session bypassed                                              0
 Exceeded max Tail DFA transition limit                                  0
 Number of times HS stream close failed                                  0
 Number of times HS stream open failed                                   0
 Number of times HS scan stream failed                                   0
 Number of times HS scan failed                                          0
 Number of times custom feed updated                                     0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to error                  0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to out of memory          0
 Number of times custom feed update failed due to feed not found         0
 Number of times custom feed update returned unexpected value            0

Release Information

Command modified in Junos OS Release 11.2.

logical-system option introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.

tenant option introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.
