show chassis satellite redundancy-group devices
show chassis satellite redundancy-group devices [brief | detail | extensive | terse] <history>
Display the status of the devices in a redundancy group in a Junos Fusion.
Redundancy groups are used in a Junos Fusion to configure, monitor, and maintain a topology using two aggregation devices.
none | (Same as terse and brief) Display redundancy group device information for the Junos Fusion. |
brief | detail | extensive | terse | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. |
history | (Optional) Display historical output. |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis satellite
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate
order in which they appear.
Field Name |
Field Description |
Level of Output |
The name of the redundancy group. The redundancy group name is set using the set chassis satellite-management redundancy-groups redundancy-group-name statement. |
none terse brief detail extensive |
The FPC slot ID of the satellite device. |
none terse brief detail extensive |
The local state of the satellite device. |
none terse brief detail extensive |
The peer state. |
none terse brief detail extensive |
The date and time of the event. |
detail extensive |
The event. |
detail extensive |
The actions that resulted from the event. |
detail extensive |
Sample Output
show chassis satellite redundancy-group devices
user@aggregation-device> show chassis satellite redundancy-group devices Cluster Local Peer name Slot-ID State State gr1 100 online online gr1 101 online online gr1 102 online online gr1 103 not-provisioned online gr1 104 not-provisioned online gr1 105 not-provisioned online gr1 106 not-provisioned online gr1 107 not-provisioned online gr1 108 not-provisioned online gr1 109 not-provisioned online
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1R1.