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Junos CLI Reference
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[edit interfaces interface-name ether-options]


Specify not to include an IRB interface in the state calculation for VLAN members. The default behavior is not to exclude an IRB interface in the state calculation unless all the ports on the interface go down. Because an IRB interface often has multiple ports in a single VLAN, the state calculation for a VLAN member might include a port that is down, possibly resulting in traffic loss. This feature enables you to exclude a trunk or access interface from the state calculation, which results in the IRB interface being marked as down as soon as the port specifically assigned to a VLAN goes down.

IRB interfaces are used to bind specific VLANs to Layer 3 interfaces, enabling a switch to forward packets between those VLANs— without having to configure another device, such as a router, to connect VLANs. In a typical scenario, a port on the interface is assigned to a specific VLAN, while a different port on that interface is assigned to an 802.1Q trunk interface to carry traffic between multiple VLANs, and a third port on that interface is assigned to an access interface used to connect the VLAN to network devices.

To ensure that an interface is marked as down and thereby excluded from the state calculation for VLAN members when the port assigned to the VLAN goes down, configure this statement on the trunk or access interface. The trunk or port interface is automatically excluded from the state calculation of the IRB interface. In this way, when a port assigned to a specified VLAN goes down, the IRB interface assigned to that VLAN is also marked as down.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1x53-D40 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1.
