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request virtual-chassis vc-port (Dedicated VCP)

date_range 19-Nov-23


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request virtual-chassis vc-port set interface vcp-interface-name
<member member-id> <disable>


Disable or enable a Virtual Chassis port (VCP) on a dedicated VCP.

Configure a Gigabit Ethernet link on an EX8200 switch as a VCP in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis. You can use this command only to configure a link between two EX8200 member switches as a VCP link; all other links in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis are automatically VCP links.


interface vcp-interface-name

Name of the interface to enable or disable.

If you omit member member-id in an EX4200 Virtual Chassis, EX4500 Virtual Chassis, EX4550 Virtual Chassis, mixed Virtual Chassis, this command defaults to disabling or enabling the dedicated VCP on the switch where the command is issued. The dedicated VCPs are enabled in the factory default configuration.

member member-id

(Optional on EX4200, EX4500, and EX4550 switches; required on EX8200 switches) Enable or disable the specified VCP on the specified member of the Virtual Chassis configuration.

This option must be specified when using this command to configure a VCP link between two EX8200 switches.


(Optional) Disable the specified VCP. If you omit this keyword, the command enables the dedicated VCP.

Additional Information

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request virtual-chassis vc-port set interface vcp-0 disable (EX4200 Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request virtual-chassis vc-port set interface vcp-0 disable 

To check the results of this command, use the show virtual-chassis vc-port command.

request virtual-chassis vc-port set fpc-slot 4 pic-slot 0 port 2 member 1 (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
 request virtual-chassis vc-port set fpc-slot 4 pic-slot 0 port 2 member 1

To check the results of this command, use the show virtual-chassis vc-port command.

request virtual-chassis vc-port set interface vcp-0 member 3 disable (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@external-routing-engine> request virtual-chassis vc-port set interface vcp-0 member 3 disable 

To check the results of this command, use the show virtual-chassis vc-port command.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.
