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apn-control (Security GTP)

date_range 20-Nov-23


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apn-control  apn-ctrl-name 
{ apn apn-string}
  {alarm-threshold threshold}
   {drop-threshold threshold}
    { message <v0msg-list-name|v1msg-list-name|v3msg-list-name>}

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[edit security gtp]


Use this command to configure APN control profile using APN string. You can apply the APN control profile to GTP profile for ARL.


  • Apnapn-string—You can specify APN using APN string. APN string consists of Network Identifier (NI) and Operator Identifier (OI). You can specify APN in the below formats:

    • <NI>: for example internet, internet.public
    • <NI>.<OI>: for example internet.mnc005.mcc244.gprs, internet.public.mnc005.mcc244.gprs

    APN string configuration supports wild card “*” in place of OI. You can specify APN as <NI>.”*” and configure the matching APN string. You don’t need to specify the OI when you configure APN using wild card “*”.

    Range–The length range of the apn-string is 1 through 100.

  • rate-limit—Use the rate-limit option to limit the GTP messages per second. Once the threshold is reached, this configuration either drops the messages or raises an alarm.

    • alarm-threshold threshold–This configuration raises an alarm when the apn-messages per second reaches the threshold.

      Range:–1 through 80000

    • drop-threshold–This configuration drops the apn-messages when the apn-messages per second reaches the threshold.

      Range:–1 through 80000

    • message <v0|v1|v2>–This configuration rate-limits the messages using message type specified in the message-list. You can configure any message type in a message list. While applying the message-list to APN control profile, make sure that the message type configured in the list is a GTP-C message which is related to a GTP session context.

      If the message-lists are not configured, aggregated rate limit uses the default messages.

      Table 1: Default aggregated rate limit messages for various GTP versions.
      GTP version Default aggregated rate limit messages
      GTPv0 Create PDP Request
      Create AA PDP Request
      Update PDP Request
      Delete PDP Request
      Delete AA PDP Request
      GTPv1 Create PDP Request
      Update PDP Request
      Delete PDP Request
      GTPv2 Create Session Request
      Create Bearer Request
      Modify Bearer Request
      Delete Session Request
      Delete Bearer Request

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 21.2R1.
