ddos-protection { global { disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-level-control(drop | keep | police); flow-report-rate reports per second; violation-report-rate reports per second; } protocols { all-fiber-channel-enode { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } amtv4 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } amtv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ancp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ancpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } arp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } arp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } bcast { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ucast { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } atm { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } bfd { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } bundle-bfd { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } multihop-bfd { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } bfdv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } bgp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } bgpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } custom { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } demux-autosense { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } dhcpv4 { ack { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; recover-time seconds; } bad-packets { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } bootp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } decline { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } discover { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } force-renew { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } inform { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lease-active { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lease-query { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lease-unassigned { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lease-unknown { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } nak { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } no-message-type { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } offer { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } rebind { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } release { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } renew { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } request { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } dhcpv4v6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } dhcpv6 { advertise { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } confirm { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } decline { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } information-request { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } leasequery { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } leasequery-data { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } leasequery-done { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } leasequery-reply { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } rebind { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } reconfigure { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } relay-forward { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } relay-reply { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } release { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } renew { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } reply { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } request { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } solicit { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } diameter { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } dns { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } dtcp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } dynamic-vlan { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } egpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } eoam { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } oam-cfm { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } esmc { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } exceptions { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } mcast-rpf-err { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mtu-exceeded { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } fab-probe { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } filter-action { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } filter-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } filter-v6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } other { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } fip-snooping { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } firewall-host { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } frame-relay { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } frf15 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } frf16 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ftp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ftpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } garp-reply { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } gre { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } hag { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } hbc { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } punt { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } gtp-path-mgmt { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } } icmp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } icmpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } igmp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } query { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } report { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } igmpv4v6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } igmpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mld { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mld-query { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mld-report { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } inline-ka { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } inline-svcs { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ip-fragments { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } first-fragment { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } trail-fragment { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ipmcast-miss { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ipmc-reserved { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ip-options { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } non-v4v6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } router-alert { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ipsec { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } ike { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mtu-error { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } on-trigger { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } sn-alarm { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } spi-inval { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } tx-alarm { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } isis { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } isis-data { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } isis-hello { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } jfm { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } l2pt { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } l2tp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } l3dest-miss { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } l3mc-sgv-hit-icl { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } l3mtu-fail { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } l3nhop { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } lacp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ldp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ldp-hello { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ldpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } lldp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } lmp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } lmpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } localnh { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } mac-host { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } martian-address { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } mcast-snoop { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } igmp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mld { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } pim { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } mld { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } mlp { add { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } delete { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lookup { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } macpin-exception { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } msdp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } msdpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } mvrp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ndpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } invalid-hop-limit { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } neighbor-advertisement { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } neighbor-solicitation { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } redirect { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } router-advertisement { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } router-solicitation { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } nonucast-switch { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ntp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } oam-lfm { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ospf { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ospf-hello { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ospf-uncls { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ospf-hello { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ospfv3v6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ospfv3v6-hello { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ospfv3v6-uncls { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } overlay { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } arp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ndpv6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pfcp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } } pfe-alive { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pim { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pim-ctrl { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } hello { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } join { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pim-data { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pimv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pkt-inject { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pmvrp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pos { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ppp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } authentication { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } echo-rep { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } echo-req { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ipcp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ipv6cp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } isis { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lcp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mlppp-lcp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mplscp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pppoe { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } padi { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } padm { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } padn { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } pado { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } padr { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } pads { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } padse { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } padt { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } proto-802-1x { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ptp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ptpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } pvstp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } radius { accounting { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } authorization { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } server { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } redirect { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } reject { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } rejectv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } re-services { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } captive-portal { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } re-services-v6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } captive-portal { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } resolve { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } mcast-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mcast-v6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } other { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ucast-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ucast-v6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } rip { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ripv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } rsvp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } rsvp-hello { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } rsvp-uncls { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } rsvpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } sample { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } host { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } pfe { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } sflow { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } syslog { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } tap { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } sample-dest { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } sample-source { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } sctp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } services { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } bsdt { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } packet { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } snmp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } snmpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ssh { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } sshv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } stp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } syslog { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } tacacs { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } tcc { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ethernet-tcc { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } iso-tcc { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } tcp-flags { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } established { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } initial { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } telnet { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } telnetv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } ttl { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } tunnel-fragment { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } tunnel-ka { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } unclassified { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } control-layer2 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } control-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } control-v6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } fw-host { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } host-route-tcp-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } host-route-udp-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } host-route-v4 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } host-route-v6 { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mcast-copy { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } other { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } unknown-l2mc { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } urpf-fail { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } vcipc-udp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } virtual-chassis { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } control-high { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } control-low { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } vc-packets { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } vc-ttl-errors { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } vrrp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } vrrpv6 { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } vxlan { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } bfd { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } } } traceoptions { file< filename><files files><match match><size size><(world-readable | no-world-readable)>; flag name; level(all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning); no-remote-trace; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit system]
Configure DDOS process
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.