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Junos CLI Reference
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recovery {
    (auto | manual);
    timer timer-value;

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[edit interfaces interfaces-name link-degrade-monitor]


Configure the mechanism to be used to recover a degraded link. The recovery options supported are auto and manual.



Recover a degraded link automatically. Use this option with the media-based action when there are no Layer 2 or Layer 3 protocols configured on the interface. If this option is configured, the degraded link is monitored at user-configured intervals; and if the link quality is found to have improved (if bit error rate hits the clear threshold), the link is automatically recovered. With this configuration, you must configure a timer value.


Recover a degraded link manually. Use this option with the media-based action configuration when Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols are configured on the interface. If this option is configured, you need to use the request interface link-degrade-recover interface-name statement to recover the link.


The manual recovery option is recommended for user deployments that have static route configurations causing the remote end of the link to start forwarding packets (as soon as the physical link is up) while autorecovery is in progress.

timer timer-value

Specify the interval value (in seconds) after which autorecovery of the degraded link must be triggered. This option is applicable if you configure the autorecovery option. The interval period starts from the time the link is degraded. The default interval is 1800 seconds. The autorecovery attempt is repeated until the link is recovered or the link monitoring feature is disabled through configuration.


During autorecovery, you might notice link flaps at the remote end of the link.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1.
