path-rate-limit { message-type { create-req { alarm-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } drop-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } } delete-req { alarm-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } drop-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } } echo-req { alarm-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } drop-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } } other { alarm-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } drop-threshold (Security GPRS) { forward number; reverse number; } } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit security gtp profile profile-name]
Use the path‐rate‐limit function to control specific GPRS tunneling protocol (GTP) messages in both the forward and reverse directions. A drop threshold and an alarm threshold parameter can be configured for each control message in the forward and reverse direction for one path.
From Junos OS Release 20.4R1 onwards, the [edit security gprs gtp profile
hierarchy level is replaced by
[edit security gtp profile
—To specific group
of control messages
Required Privilege Level
security—To view this statement in the configuration.
security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X45-D10.