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clear unified-edge tdf address-assignment statistics



Clear the global address assignment statistics for one or more TDF gateways. If a TDF gateway is not specified, then the statistics for all TDF gateways are cleared.



Clear statistics for all TDF gateways.

fpc-slot fpc-slot

(Optional) Clear the statistics for the session PIC in the specified FPC slot.

gateway gateway

(Optional) Clear the statistics for the specified TDF gateway.

pic-slot pic-slot

(Optional) Clear information about the session PIC in this particular PIC slot. For routers, replace pic-slot with a value from 0 through 3.

Required Privilege Level

clear, unified-edge

Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

clear unified-edge tdf address-assignment statistics

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.