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Junos CLI Reference
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date_range 19-Nov-23


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configured-flow-control {
    rx-buffers (on | off);
    tx-buffers (on | off);

Hierarchy Level

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[edit interfaces interface-name ether-options]


Configure Ethernet PAUSE asymmetric flow control on an interface. You can set an interface to generate and send PAUSE messages, and you can set an interface to respond to PAUSE messages sent by the connected peer. You must set both the rx-buffers and the tx-buffers values when you configure asymmetric flow control.

Use the flow-control and no-flow-control statements to enable and disable symmetric PAUSE on an interface. Symmetric flow control and asymmetric flow control are mutually exclusive features. If you attempt to configure both, the switch returns a commit error.


Ethernet PAUSE temporarily stops transmitting all traffic on a link when the buffers fill to a certain threshold. To temporarily pause traffic on individual “lanes” of traffic (each lane contains the traffic associated with a particular IEEE 802.1p code point, so there can be eight lanes of traffic on a link), use priority-based flow control (PFC) by applying a congestion notification profile to the interface.

Ethernet PAUSE and PFC are mutually exclusive features, so you cannot configure both of them on the same interface. If you attempt to configure both Ethernet PAUSE and PFC on an interface, the switch returns a commit error.


Flow control is disabled. You must explicitly configure Ethernet PAUSE flow control on interfaces.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.
