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show multicast statistics



Display IP multicast statistics.



Display multicast statistics for all supported address families for all routing instances.

inet | inet6

(Optional) Display multicast statistics for IPv4 or IPv6 family addresses, respectively.

instance (all | instance-name)

(Optional) Display statistics for all multicast-enabled routing instances or a specific multicast routing instance.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display statistics for a specific interface.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.


(Optional) Show satellite multicast statistics.

Additional Information

The input and output interface multicast statistics are consistent, but not timely. They are constructed from the forwarding statistics, which are gathered at 30-second intervals. Therefore, the output from this command always lags the true count by up to 30 seconds.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show multicast statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show multicast statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of the routing instance.


Protocol family for which multicast statistics are displayed: INET or INET6.


Name of the interface for which statistics are being reported.

Routing Protocol

Primary multicast protocol on the interface: PIM, DVMRP for INET, or PIM for INET6.


Number of multicast packets that did not arrive on the correct upstream interface.

Kernel Resolve

Number of resolve requests processed by the primary multicast protocol on the interface.

Resolve No Route

Number of resolve requests that were ignored because there was no route to the source.

Resolve Filtered

Number of resolve requests filtered by policy if any policy is configured.

In Kbytes

Total accumulated incoming packets (in KB) since the last time the clear multicast statistics command was issued.

Out Kbytes

Total accumulated outgoing packets (in KB) since the last time the clear multicast statistics command was issued.

Mismatch error

Number of mismatches that were ignored because of internal errors.

Mismatch No Route

Number of mismatches that were ignored because there was no route to the source.

Routing Notify

Number of times that the multicast routing system has been notified of a new multicast source by a multicast routing protocol .

Resolve Error

Number of resolve requests that were ignored because of internal errors.

In Packets

Total number of incoming packets since the last time the clear multicast statistics command was issued.

Out Packets

Total number of outgoing packets since the last time the clear multicast statistics command was issued.

Resolve requests on interfaces not enabled for multicast n

Number of resolve requests on interfaces that are not enabled for multicast that have accumulated since the clear multicast statistics command was last issued.

Resolve requests with no route to source n

Number of resolve requests with no route to the source that have accumulated since the clear multicast statistics command was last issued.

Routing notifications on interfaces not enabled for multicast n

Number of routing notifications on interfaces not enabled for multicast that have accumulated since the clear multicast statistics command was last issued.

Routing notifications with no route to source n

Number of routing notifications with no route to the source that have accumulated since the clear multicast statistics command was last issued.

Interface Mismatches on interfaces not enabled for multicast n

Number of interface mismatches on interfaces not enabled for multicast that have accumulated since the clear multicast statistics command was last issued.

Group Membership on interfaces not enabled for multicast n

Number of group memberships on interfaces not enabled for multicast that have accumulated since the clear multicast statistics command was last issued.

Sample Output

show multicast statistics

show multicast statistics (PIM using point-to-multipoint mode)

show multicast statistics interface

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

interface option introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1 for the MX Series.