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show security idp counters log



Displays the status of all IDP log counter values.



Displays the status of all IDP log counter values.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Displays the status of all IDP log counter values for a specific logical system.

logical-system all

(Optional) Displays the status of all IDP log counter values for all logical systems.

tenant tenant-name

(Optional) Displays the status of all IDP log counter values for a specific tenant system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security idp counters log command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show security idp counters log Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Logs dropped

Number of logs that are dropped.

Suppressed log count

Number of logs that are suppressed.

Logs waiting for post-window packets


Number of logs waiting for post-window packets.

Logs ready to be sent


Number of logs ready to be sent.

Logs in suppression list


Number of logs considered for suppression list.

Log timers created

Number of times the log timer is created.

Logs timers expired

Number of times the log timer is expired.

Log timers cancelled

Number of times the log timer is canceled.

Logs ready to be sent high watermark


Number of packets that are ready to be sent with high degree watermark.

Log receive buffer full


Number of times the buffer is full.

Packet log too big


Number of packet logs that exceeded allowed packet log size.

Reads per second


Number of packets that are read per second.

Logs in read buffer high watermark


Number of high watermark packets that are in read buffer.

Packets logged

Number of packets that are logged,

Packets lost


Number of packets that are failed to log.

Packets copied


Number of packets copied during packet log.

Packets held


Number of packets held for packet log.

Packets released

Number of packets that are released from hold.

IP Action Messages


Number of IP action messages.

IP Action Drops


Number of IP action messages dropped.

IP Action Exists


Number of exits during IP action creation.



Number of logs waiting for post window packets.

Match vectors

Number of attacks in IDS match vector.


Number of attacks in supercede vector.

Sample Output

show security idp counters log

show security idp counters log logical-system LSYS1

show security idp counters log tenant TSYS1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2.

logical-system option introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.

tenant option introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.