family (Dynamic Standard Interface)
family family { access-concentrator name; address address; direct-connect; duplicate-protection; dynamic-profile profile-name; filter { adf { counter; input-precedence precedence; not-mandatory; output-precedence precedence; rule rule-value; } input filter-name { precedence precedence; shared-name filter-shared-name; } output filter-name { precedence precedence; shared-name filter-shared-name; } } mac-validate (loose | strict); max-sessions number; max-sessions-vsa-ignore; rpf-check { fail-filter filter-name; mode loose; } service { input { service-set service-set-name { service-filter filter-name; } post-service-filter filter-name; } output { service-set service-set-name { service-filter filter-name; } } } service-name-table table-name; short-cycle-protection <lockout-time-min minimum-seconds lockout-time-max maximum-seconds> <filter [aci]>; unnumbered-address interface-name <preferred-source-address address>; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number]
Configure protocol family information for the logical interface.
Not all subordinate stanzas are available to every protocol family.
—Protocol family:
—IP version 4 suiteinet6
—IP version 6 suitepppoe
—(MX Series routers with MPCs only) Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernetvpls
—Virtual private LAN service
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2.
option added in Junos OS Release 11.2.