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Junos CLI Reference
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minimum-receive-interval (BFD Liveness Detection)

date_range 17-May-24


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minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems name routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls) oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit logical-systems name routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls) neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit logical-systems name routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls) mesh-group mesh-group-name neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit logical-systems name tenants name routing-instances name protocols evpn | l2vpn | vpls) oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit logical-systems name tenants name routing-instances name protocols evpn | l2vpn | vpls) neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit logical-systems name tenants name routing-instances name protocols evpn | l2vpn | vpls) mesh-group mesh-group-name neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls)  oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls)  neighbor neighbor-id  oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls)  mesh-group mesh-group-name neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit tenants name routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls) oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit tenants name routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls) neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection],
[edit tenants name routing-instances name protocols (evpn | l2vpn | vpls) mesh-group mesh-group-name neighbor neighbor-id oam bfd-liveness-detection]


Configure the minimum interval after which the local routing device must receive a reply from a neighbor with which it has established a BFD session. Optionally, instead of using this statement, you can configure the minimum receive interval using the minimum-interval statement.


milliseconds—Specify the minimum receive interval value.

  • Range: 1 through 255,000

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.

Support for BFD authentication introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.
