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Junos CLI Reference
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tcp (Security IDP Signature Attack)

date_range 06-May-24


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tcp {
    ack-number {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value acknowledgement-number;
    data-length {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value tcp-data-length;
    destination-port (Security Signature Attack) {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value destination-port;
    header-length {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value header-length;
    mss (Security IDP) {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value maximum-segment-size;
    option (Security IDP) {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value tcp-option;
    reserved (Security IDP Custom Attack) {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value reserved-value;
    sequence-number (Security IDP ICMP Headers) {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value sequence-number;
    source-port (Security IDP) {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value source-port;
    tcp-flags {
        (ack | no-ack);
        (fin | no-fin);
        (psh | no-psh);
        (r1 | no-r1);
        (r2 | no-r2);
        (rst | no-rst);
        (syn | no-syn);
        (urg | no-urg);
    urgent-pointer {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value urgent-pointer;
    window-scale {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value window-scale-factor;
    window-size {
        match (equal | greater-than | less-than | not-equal);
        value window-size;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit security idp custom-attack attack-name attack-type signature protocol]


Allow IDP to match the TCP header information for the signature attack.


The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

security—To view this statement in the configuration.

security-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3.
