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{ "lLangCode": "en", "lName": "English", "lCountryCode": "us", "transcode": "en_US" }

show security idp counters pdf-decoder

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show security idp counters pdf-decoder
<logical-system (logical-system-name | all)>
<tenant tenant-name>


Displays the IDP counters value for PDF-Decode enabled sessions, requests, and memory limit IDP counter types.



Displays the IDP counters value for PDF-Decode enabled sessions, requests, and memory limit IDP counter types.

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Displays the IDP counters value for PDF-Decode enabled sessions, requests, and memory limit IDP counter types for a specific logical system.

logical-system all

(Optional) Displays the IDP counters value for PDF-Decode enabled sessions, requests, and memory limit IDP counter types for all logical systems.

tenant tenant-name

(Optional) Displays the IDP counters value for PDF-Decode enabled sessions, requests, and memory limit IDP counter types for a specific tenant system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security idp counters pdf-decoder command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show security idp counters pdf-decoder Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

IDP counter type

Name of the action


Number of PDF-decode enabled sessions and requests for the IDP counters.

Sample Output

show security idp counters pdf-decoder

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>  show security idp counters pdf-decoder
IDP counters:

  IDP counter type                                                      Value
 PDF-Decode enabled sessions                                             0
 PDF-Decode requests                                                     0
 PDF-decode in pending state                                             0
 PDF-decode finished sucessfully                                         0
 PDF-decode per file memory limit reached                                0
 PDF-decode memory limit reached                                         0
 PDF-decode session limit reached                                        0
 PDF-decode malloc count                                                 0
 PDF-decode free count                                                   0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Global memory limit                             0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Per file memory limit                           0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Document encrypted                              0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Unsupported filter decode                       0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  corrupted PDF file                              0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  unsupported obj-stream length                   0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  filter decode failed                            0

show security idp counters pdf-decoder logical-system LSYS1

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>  show security idp counters pdf-decoder logical-system LSYS1
IDP counters:

  IDP counter type                                                      Value
 PDF-Decode enabled sessions                                             0
 PDF-Decode requests                                                     0
 PDF-decode in pending state                                             0
 PDF-decode finished sucessfully                                         0
 PDF-decode per file memory limit reached                                0
 PDF-decode memory limit reached                                         0
 PDF-decode session limit reached                                        0
 PDF-decode malloc count                                                 0
 PDF-decode free count                                                   0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Global memory limit                             0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Per file memory limit                           0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Document encrypted                              0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Unsupported filter decode                       0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  corrupted PDF file                              0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  unsupported obj-stream length                   0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  filter decode failed                            0

show security idp counters pdf-decoder tenant TSYS1

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>  show security idp counters pdf-decoder tenant TSYS1
IDP counters:

  IDP counter type                                                      Value
 PDF-Decode enabled sessions                                             0
 PDF-Decode requests                                                     0
 PDF-decode in pending state                                             0
 PDF-decode finished sucessfully                                         0
 PDF-decode per file memory limit reached                                0
 PDF-decode memory limit reached                                         0
 PDF-decode session limit reached                                        0
 PDF-decode malloc count                                                 0
 PDF-decode free count                                                   0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Global memory limit                             0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Per file memory limit                           0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Document encrypted                              0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  Unsupported filter decode                       0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  corrupted PDF file                              0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  unsupported obj-stream length                   0
 PDF-decode bypassed  -  filter decode failed                            0

Release Information

Command introduced for user logical systems in Junos OS Release 18.3R1

tenant option introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.
