ppp { aggregate { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; } recover-time seconds; } authentication { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } echo-rep { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } echo-req { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ipcp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } ipv6cp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } isis { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } lcp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mlppp-lcp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } mplscp { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } unclassified { bandwidth packets per second; burst packets; bypass-aggregate; disable-fpc; disable-logging; disable-routing-engine; flow-detection-mode(automatic | off | on); flow-detect-time seconds; flow-level-bandwidth { logical-interface packets per second; physical-interface packets per second; subscriber packets per second; } flow-level-control { logical-interface(drop | keep | police); physical-interface(drop | keep | police); subscriber(drop | keep | police); } flow-level-detection { logical-interface(automatic | off | on); physical-interface(automatic | off | on); subscriber(automatic | off | on); } flow-recover-time seconds; flow-timeout-time seconds; fpc name { bandwidth-scale percent; burst-scale percent; disable-fpc; hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; } hostbound-queue hostbound-queue; no-flow-logging; priority(high | low | medium); recover-time seconds; timeout-active-flows; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit system ddos-protection protocols]
Configure PPP control traffic.
> aggregate |
Configure aggregate for all PPP control traffic |
+ apply-groups |
Groups from which to inherit configuration data |
+ apply-groups-except |
Don't inherit configuration data from these groups |
> padi |
Configure PPPoE PADI |
> padm |
Configure PPPoE PADM |
> padn |
Configure PPPoE PADN |
> pado |
Configure PPPoE PADO |
> padr |
Configure PPPoE PADR |
> pads |
Configure PPPoE PADS |
> padt |
Configure PPPoE PADT |
authentication |
Configure Authentication Protocol |
> echo-rep |
Configure LCP Echo Reply |
> echo-req |
Configure LCP Echo Request |
> ipcp |
Configure IP Control Protocol |
> ipv6cp |
Configure IPv6 Control Protocol |
> isis |
Configure ISIS Protocol |
> lcp |
Configure Link Control Protocol |
> mlppp-lcp |
Configure MLPPP LCP |
> mplscp |
Configure MPLS Control Protocol |
> unclassified |
Configure unclassified PPP control traffic |
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos Evolved OS Release 23.4R1.