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show route summary

date_range 11-Mar-25


content_copy zoom_out_map
show route summary
<logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>
<table routing-table-name>
<rib-sharding (main | rib-shard-name)>

Syntax (EX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show route summary

Operational mode

cli mode

cli-pfe mode.


Display summary statistics about the entries in the routing table. Additionally, displays summary of FIB compression statistics in cli-pfe mode. (PTX and ACX series devices).

CPU utilization might increase while the device learns routes. We recommend that you use the show route summary command after the device learns and enters the routes into the routing table. Depending on the size of your network, this might take several minutes. If you receive a “timeout communicating with routing daemon” error when using the show route summary command, wait several minutes before attempting to use the command again. This is not a critical system error, but you might experience a delay in using the command-line interface (CLI).



Display summary statistics about the entries in the routing table.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

table routing-table-name

(Optional) Display summary statistics for all routing tables whose name begins with this string (for example, inet.0 and inet6.0 are both displayed when you run the show route summary table inet command). If you only want to display statistics for a specific routing table, make sure to enter the exact name of that routing table.

rib-sharding (main | rib-shard-name)

(Optional) Display name of the rib shard.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show route summary command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show route summary Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Router ID

Address of the local routing device.

Highwater Mark

High-water mark data of routing and forwarding (RIB/FIB) table routes and VRFs in a system. Shows the following details:

  • RIB Unique destination routes

  • RIB routes

  • FIB routes

  • VRF type routing instances

The high-water mark data can also be viewed in the syslog at the LOG_NOTICE level.


Name of the routing table example:

  • inet.0— List all routes for IPv4.

  • junos-main::inet.0—Lists all active routes for Ipv4.

  • junos-bgpshard0::inet.0—Lists IPv4 routes present in bgpshard0 thread.

  • __raass__inet.inet.0—Lists IPv4 routes stored in RaaS Server that are received from the clients.

  • __raasc__inet.inet.0—Lists IPv4 routes stored in RaaS Clients that are used for local resolution.

  • inet.6— List all routes for IPv6.

  • junos-main::inet6.0— Lists all active routes for IPv6.

  • junos-bgpshard0::inet6.0—Lists IPv6 routes present in bgpshard0 thread.

  • __raass__inet.inet6.0—Lists IPv6 routes stored in RaaS Server that are received from the clients.

  • __raasc__inet.inet6.0—Lists IPv6 routes stored in RaaS Clients that are used for local resolution.


Number of destinations for which there are routes in the routing table.


Number of routes in the routing table:

  • active—Number of routes that are active.

  • holddown—Number of routes that are in the hold-down state before being declared inactive.

  • hidden—Number of routes that are not used because of routing policy.

RIB routes are calculated based on all the route entries in the RIB, which includes active, holddown, and hidden routes. See the sample output for details.

Restart complete

All protocols have restarted for this routing table.

Restart state:

  • Pending:protocol-name—List of protocols that have not yet completed graceful restart for this routing table.

  • Complete—All protocols have restarted for this routing table.

For example, if the output shows-

  • LDP.inet.0: 5 routes (4 active, 1 holddown, 0 hidden)
        Restart Pending: OSPF LDP VPN

    This indicates that OSPF, LDP, and VPN protocols did not restart for LDP.inet.0 routing table.

  • vpls_1.l2vpn.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    Restart Complete

    This indicates that all protocols have restarted for vpls_1.l2vpn.0 routing table.


Displays the configured route limits for the routing table set with the maximum-prefixes and the maximum-paths statements. If you do not configure route limits for the routing table, the show output does not display this information.

  • destinations—The first number represents the maximum number of route prefixes installed in the routing table. The second number represents the number of route prefixes that trigger a warning message.

  • routes—The first number represents the maximum number of routes. The second number represents the number of routes that trigger a warning message.


Routes on the directly connected network.


Local routes.


Name of the protocol from which the route was learned. For example, OSPF, RSVP, and Static.

Output fields for CLI-PFE mode (ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, and ACX7509 Devices) that display route table statistics at the PFE (for example, IPv4, IPv6, MPLS Route Tables)
Index Routing table index number.
Routes Number of active routes
Size(b) Size of the packets #chk w SME.
Prefixes Actual number of routes published by the peer devices.
Aggr Number of aggregated routes generated by the PFE after compression that includes valid next hops
Installed Number of routes installed on the ACX device.
Comp(%) Route table compression percentage.

Sample Output

show route summary

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route summary
Autonomous system number: 69
Router ID:

Highwater Mark (All time / Time averaged watermark)
    RIB Unique destination routes: 51 at 2020-06-15 13:54:01 / 51
    RIB routes                   : 52 at 2020-06-15 13:54:01 / 52
    FIB routes                   : 33 at 2020-06-15 13:54:01 / 33
    VRF type routing instances   : 0 at 2020-06-15 13:54:00
Maximum-ECMP: 32
inet.0: 24 destinations, 25 routes (23 active, 0 holddown, 1 hidden)
Restart Complete
              Direct:      6 routes,      5 active
               Local:      4 routes,      4 active
                OSPF:      5 routes,      4 active
              Static:      7 routes,      7 active
                IGMP:      1 routes,      1 active
                 PIM:      2 routes,      2 active

inet.3: 2 destinations, 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Restart Complete
                RSVP:      2 routes,      2 active

iso.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Restart Complete
              Direct:      1 routes,      1 active

mpls.0: 7 destinations, 7 routes (5 active, 0 holddown, 2 hidden)
Restart Complete
                MPLS:      3 routes,      3 active
                VPLS:      4 routes,      2 active

inet6.0: 5 destinations, 5 routes (5 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Restart Complete
              Direct:      2 routes,      2 active
                 PIM:      2 routes,      2 active
                 MLD:      1 routes,      1 active

green.l2vpn.0: 4 destinations, 4 routes (4 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Restart Complete
                 BGP:      2 routes,      2 active
               L2VPN:      2 routes,      2 active

red.l2vpn.0: 3 destinations, 3 routes (3 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Restart Complete
                 BGP:      2 routes,      2 active
               L2VPN:      1 routes,      1 active

bgp.l2vpn.0: 4 destinations, 4 routes (4 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Restart Complete
                 BGP:      4 routes,      4 active

show route summary (cli-pfe mode in ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, and ACX7509 Devices)

The following command shows the route summary information in cli-pfe mode only:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host:pfe> show route summary

IPv4 Route Tables:
Index         Routes     Size(b)  Prefixes     Aggr     Installed   Comp(%)
--------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ------
Default     10095472  1569927632   5000016    4999986       11525    100
1                  0           0         0          0           0      0
51                10        1040         5          0           5      0
36738             10        1040         5          0           5      0

IPv6 Route Tables:
Index         Routes     Size(b)  Prefixes     Aggr     Installed   Comp(%)
--------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ------
0       IPv6       1300025       1299963          62      100

1       IPv6             0             0           0        0

51      IPv6             6             0           6        0

36738   IPv6             6             0           6        0
MPLS Route Tables:
Index         Routes     Size(b)  Prefixes     Aggr     Installed   Comp(%)
--------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ------
Default           14        1456         7          0           7      -
52                 2         208         1          0           1      -

IPv6 Route Tables:
Index         Routes     Size(b)  Prefixes     Aggr     Installed   Comp(%)
--------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ------
Default           27        2808        13          0          16  4294967273
1                  0           0         0          0           0      0
51                12        1248         6          0           6      0
53                12        1248         6          0           6      0
36738             12        1248         6          0           6      0

CLNP Route Tables:
Index         Routes     Size(b)  Prefixes     Aggr     Installed   Comp(%)
--------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ------
Default            4         416         2          0           2      -
51                 2         208         1          0           1      -

show route summary table (with rib-sharding configured)

The following command shows the route summary information in junos-bgpshard0 thread only:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route summary rib-sharding junos-bgpshard0
Autonomous system number: 1
Router ID:

inet.0: 774078 destinations, 1547602 routes (774078 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:    108 routes,    108 active
               Local:      7 routes,      7 active
                OSPF:    408 routes,    408 active
                 BGP: 1547048 routes, 773524 active
              Static:     31 routes,     31 active

junos-main::inet.0: 774078 destinations, 774078 routes (774078 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:    108 routes,    108 active
               Local:      7 routes,      7 active
                OSPF:    408 routes,    408 active
                 BGP: 773524 routes, 773524 active
              Static:     31 routes,     31 active

junos-bgpshard0::inet.0: 258448 destinations, 516635 routes (258448 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
                 BGP: 516374 routes, 258187 active

junos-bgpshard1::inet.0: 258129 destinations, 515997 routes (258129 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
                 BGP: 515736 routes, 257868 active

junos-bgpshard2::inet.0: 257731 destinations, 515200 routes (257731 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
                 BGP: 514938 routes, 257469 active

__raass__inet.inet.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
                RaaS:      1 routes,      1 active

iso.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:      1 routes,      1 active

inet6.0: 3 destinations, 3 routes (3 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:      2 routes,      2 active
               INET6:      1 routes,      1 active

junos-main::inet6.0: 3 destinations, 3 routes (3 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:      2 routes,      2 active
               INET6:      1 routes,      1 active

show route summary table

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route summary table inet
Router ID:

inet.0: 32 destinations, 34 routes (31 active, 0 holddown, 1 hidden)
              Direct:      6 routes,      5 active
               Local:      9 routes,      9 active
                OSPF:      3 routes,      1 active
              Static:     13 routes,     13 active
                IGMP:      1 routes,      1 active
                 PIM:      2 routes,      2 active

inet.1: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
           Multicast:      1 routes,      1 active

inet6.0: 3 destinations, 3 routes (3 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
               Local:      1 routes,      1 active
                 PIM:      2 routes,      2 active

inet6.1: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
           Multicast:      1 routes,      1 active

show route summary table (with Route Limits Configured for the Routing Table)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route summary table VPN-A.inet.0
Autonomous system number: 100
Router ID:

VPN-A.inet.0: 13 destinations, 14 routes (13 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
Limit/Threshold: 2000/200 destinations 20/12 routes
              Direct:      2 routes,      2 active
               Local:      1 routes,      1 active
                OSPF:      4 routes,      3 active
                 BGP:      4 routes,      4 active
                IGMP:      1 routes,      1 active
                 PIM:      2 routes,      2 active

show route summary rib-sharding

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route summary rib-sharding junos-bgpshard14
Autonomous system number: 100
Router ID:

inet.0: 54 destinations, 54 routes (54 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:     29 routes,     29 active
               Local:     25 routes,     25 active

iso.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
              Direct:      1 routes,      1 active

inet6.0: 14 destinations, 14 routes (14 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
               Local:     14 routes,     14 active

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

rib-sharding option introduced for cRPD Release 20.1R1.
