dhcp-snooping-file (local_pathname | remote_URL); write-interval seconds; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit system processes dhcp-service]
Ensure that IP-MAC bindings persist through the device reboots by specifying a local pathname or a remote URL for the storage location of the DHCP snooping database file. You must specify how frequently the device writes the database entries into the DHCP snooping database file.
The remaining statement is explained separately. See CLI Explorer.
The IP-MAC bindings in the DHCP snooping database file are not persistent by default. If the device is rebooted, the bindings are lost, and the table must be rebuilt on reboot.
Required Privilege Level
system—To view this statement in the configuration.
system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X50-D10.