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targeted-options (Manual Targeting)


Hierarchy Level


Configure manual targeting or auto-targeting.

Specify the type of targeting to be used for targeted distribution. Specify the targeting option as manual for conventional VLAN targeting. By default, the targeting option is auto.



Configure manual targeting type as manual or auto.

Specify the type of targeting to be used for targeted distribution.

  • Values:

    • auto—Configure targeted-distribution without specific primary and backup links.

    • manual—Configure targeted distribution with specific member links as primary and backup for a subscriber. When you configure manual targeting, you must always configure a primary link. Configuring a backup link is optional. You specify the primary and backup links for a subscriber in the individual interface configuration. You configure primary and backup links by using the targeted-options statement at the [edit interfaces name unit] hierarchy level.

      Manual targeting enhances the distribution of targeted VLANs or subscribers across member links of an aggregated Ethernet bundle by making it bandwidth-aware.

      Use manual keyword to enforce manual targeting on conventional VLANs.

  • Default: auto—By default, targeted option is set to auto.

rebalance-subscriber-granularity Rebalancing takes place when the member links have more subscribers than the configured value on the rebalance-subscriber-granularity option.

The remaining statements are described separately.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.