address-assignment (Address-Assignment Pools)
address-assignment { abated-utilization percentage; abated-utilization-v6 percentage; high-utilization percentage; high-utilization-v6 percentage; neighbor-discovery-router-advertisement ndra-pool-name; pool pool-name { active-drain; family family { dhcp-attributes { protocol-specific attributes; } excluded-address ip-address; excluded-range name low minimum-value high maximum-value; host hostname { hardware-address mac-address; ip-address ip-address; } network ip-prefix/<prefix-length>; prefix ipv6-prefix; range range-name { high upper-limit; low lower-limit; prefix-length prefix-length; } } hold-down; link pool-name; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit access]
Configure address-assignment pools that can be used by different client applications.
Support for subordinate statements is platform-specific. See individual statement topics for support information.
abated-utilization | Generate SNMP traps for DHCP address pools or linked set of address pools. No SNMP traps are generated unless a value is configured. Default: Abated utilization is not set. Delete the abated-utilization value to unset.
abated-utilization-v6 | Generate SNMP traps for DHCPv6 address pools or linked set of address pools. No SNMP traps are generated unless a value is configured. Default: Abated utilization is not set. Delete the abated-utilization value to unset.
high-utilization | Generate an SNMP trap when the DHCP address pool or linked set of address pools use surpasses the specified percentage. Default: High utilization is not set. Delete the high-utilization value to unset.
high-utilization-v6 | Generate an SNMP trap when the DHCPv6 address pool or linked set of address pools use surpasses the specified percentage. Default: High utilization is not set. Delete the high-utilization value to unset.
neighbor-discovery-router-advertisement | Configure the name of the address-assignment pool used to assign the router advertisement prefix.
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.