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show services nat destination summary



Display summary destination NAT information.


interface interface-name

Display summary destination NAT information for the specified service interface.

service-set service-set

Display summary destination NAT information for the specified service set.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services nat destination summary command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services nat destination summary Output Fields

Field Name



Interface name.

Service set

Service set name.

Pool name

Name of the destination address pool.

Address Range

IP address or IP address range for the pool.

Routing Instance

Name of the routing instance.


Port number.

Total Address

Number of IP addresses that are in use.

Rule name

Rule name.

Rule set

The set of rules for destination NAT.


Three options:

  • input―Apply the rule match on the input side of the interface.

  • input-output―Apply the rule match bidirectionally.

  • output―Apply the rule match on the output side of the interface.


The action taken when a packet matches the rule’s tuples. Actions include the following:

  • destination NAT pool―Use user-defined destination NAT pool to perform destination NAT.

  • off―Do not perform destination NAT.

Sample Output

show services nat destination summary service-set ss1_interface_style1 interface vms-0/2/0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.3R2.