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traceoptions (TDF Gateway)

date_range 20-Nov-23


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traceoptions {
    file file-name <files number> <no-word-readable | world-readable> <size size>; 
    flag flag;
    level (all | critical | error | info | notice | verbose | warning);

Hierarchy Level

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[edit unified-edge gateways tdf gateway-name]


Specify tracing options for the TDF gateway.


file file-name

Use the specified name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation.

files number

(Optional) Use the specified maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.

  • Range: 2 through 1000 files

  • Default: 3 files

flag flag

Specify which operations are to be traced. To specify more than one operation, include multiple flag statements.

  • all—Trace everything.

  • bulkjob—Trace events that are handled by bulk jobs in order to prevent system overload.

  • config—Trace configuration events.

  • cos-cac—Trace class of service (CoS) and call admission control (CAC) events.

  • ctxt—Trace user equipment, Packet Data Network (PDN), or bearer context events.

  • fsm—Trace mobile subscriber finite state machine (FSM) events.

  • gtpu—Trace GPRS tunneling protocol, user plane (GTP-U) events.

  • ha—Trace high availability events.

  • init—Trace initialization events.

  • pfem—Trace Packet Forwarding Engine Manager events.

  • stats—Trace stats events. This flag is used internally by Juniper Networks engineers.

  • waitq—Trace waitq events. This flag is used internally by Juniper Networks engineers.


Use the specified level of tracing. You can specify any of the following levels:

  • all—Match all levels.

  • critical—Match critical conditions.

  • error—Match error conditions.

  • info—Match informational messages

  • notice—Match conditions that must be handled specially.

  • verbose—Match verbose messages.

  • warning—Match warning messages.


(Optional) Disable remote tracing.


(Optional) Disable unrestricted file access.

size size

(Optional) Use the specified maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is renamed trace-file.0. When the trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0 is renamed trace-file.1 and trace-file is renamed trace-file.0. This renaming scheme continues until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then, the oldest trace file is overwritten. If you specify a maximum number of files, you must also specify a maximum file size with the size option.

  • Syntax: xk to specify KB, xm to specify MB, or xg to specify GB.

  • Range: 10,240 through 1,073,741,824 bytes.

  • Default: 128 KB


(Optional) Enable unrestricted file access.

Required Privilege Level

trace and unified-edge—To view this statement in the configuration.

trace-control and unified-edge-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.
