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transit (Chained Composite Next Hops)

date_range 24-Oct-24


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transit {
    (all | no-all);
    (l2vpn | no-l2vpn);
    (l3vpn | no-l3vpn);
    (labeled-bgp | no-labeled-bgp);
    (ldp | no-ldp);
    (ldp-p2mp | no-ldp-p2mp);
    (rsvp | no-rsvp);
    (rsvp-p2mp | no-rsvp-p2mp);
    (static | no-static);

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-options forwarding-table chained-composite-next-hop],
[edit routing-options forwarding-table chained-composite-next-hop]

The [edit logical-systems] hierarchy level is not supported on the QFX10000 switches.


Allows you to configure the chained composite next hops transit configuration options for devices handling transit traffic in the network. This statement and the associated functionality is available only on PTX Packet Transport Routers, QFX10000 switches, and MX204, MX480, MX960, MX10003, and VMX routers.


All of the transit statement options are enabled on PTX transport routers and QFX10000 switches. However, you can disable any of the statements with a no option.

Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1, the transit l3vpn statement is enabled by default on PTX Series Packet Transport Routers only.


all | no-all

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for all of the possible packet transit protocols and applications. The all | no-all statements do not apply to the lsp-statistics-from-route statement.

l2vpn | no-l2vpn

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for Layer 2 VPNs.

l3vpn | no-l3vpn

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for Layer 3 VPNs.

labeled-bgp | no-labeled-bgp

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for labeled BGP.

ldp | no-ldp

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for LDP.

ldp-p2mp | no-ldp-p2mp

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for LDP-signaled P2MP LSPs.


The ldp-p2mp and rsvp-p2mp statements are not supported on MX series routers.

On an MX series router with redundant Routing Engines and enhanced-ip mode configuration, enabling the ldp-p2mp and rsvp-p2mp statements under the [edit routing-options forwarding-table chained-composite-next-hop transit] hierarchy level causes ping from the current primary logical system to fail at the time of a Routing Engine switchover.


Enable LSP statistics collection from the route.

rsvp | no-rsvp

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for RSVP.

rsvp-p2mp | no-rsvp-p2mp

Enable or disable chained composite next-hops for RSVP-signaled P2MP LSPs.


The ldp-p2mp and rsvp-p2mp statements are not supported on MX series routers.

On an MX series router with redundant Routing Engines and enhanced-ip mode configuration, enabling the rsvp-p2mp and ldp-p2mp statements under the [edit routing-options forwarding-table chained-composite-next-hop transit] hierarchy level causes ping from the current primary logical system to fail at the time of a Routing Engine switchover.

static | no-static

Chained composite next hops are enabled for transit static LSPs by default. You can also disable this functionality for transit static LSPs.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1.
