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show auto-bandwidth



Display the auto-bandwidth information. You can view the traffic or the history log information in the output.



Display the log of the sensor in the threshold activation period.

traffic (sensor-name brief | detail)

Display the traffic details and the configured auto-bandwidth parameters.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Collection Interval

Time in seconds between two traffic sample collections.

Adjust Interval

Time interval after which the average bandwidth utilization is measured.

Adjust threshold

Percentage change threshold after which an action is triggered.

Adjust Subscription

Threshold for RSVP subscription in percentage.

Pkt Recv

Number of packets received.

Byte Recv

Number of bytes received.

Poll Count

Number of times the data was collected.


Average bandwidth utilization across the SPRING traffic samples collected.

Last Report

Traffic statistics that was last reported indicating the number of packets received in the last report.

Last Report time

Time stamp of the last reporting time.

Last Query Time

Time stamp of the last query.

Last Resp Time

Time stamp of the last response time.

Byte Bucket

Count of bytes sent on the link measured periodically as per the configured collection interval.

Packet Bucket

Count of packets sent on the link measured periodically as per the configured collection interval.

Sample Output

show auto-bandwidth (traffic)

show auto-bandwidth (history-log)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 17.3R1.