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monitor (Multinode High Availability)

date_range 13-Dec-23


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    monitor {
        bfd-liveliness destination-ip-address {
            interface interface-name;
            routing-instance routing-instance-name;
            session-type (multihop | singlehop);
            src-ip src-ip;
        interface name;
        ip destination-ip-address {
            routing-instance routing-instance-name;
       monitor-object {
          bfd-liveliness {
             destination-ip name {
              interface interface;
              routing-instance routing-instance;
              session-type(multihop | singlehop);
              src-ip src-ip;
              weight weight;
            threshold threshold;
         interface {
             interface-name name {
                weight weight;
             threshold threshold;
         ip {
             destination-ip name {
             routing-instance routing-instance;
              weight weight;
         threshold threshold;
         object-threshold object-threshold;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group id-number]


Configure monitoring options for the Multinode High Availability setup.



Configure Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) monitoring to detect failures in a network. You can configure Multinode High Availability to monitor one or more links using BFD. This configuration triggers a failover in the event of BFD failure. Configure BFD liveliness by specifying source and destination IP and the interface where the peer device is directly connected to.

  • interface—Name of the interface for single-hop sessions
  • routing-instance—Routing instance to locate the route
  • session-type —(Optional) Configure BFD session mode to be single-hop or multihop. By default, BGP uses single-hop BFD sessions if the peer is directly connected to the router’s interface.
  • src-ip-—Source IPv4 or IPv6 address for activeness probe.
interface interface-name Configure interface monitoring for SRG. The node which detects the interface monitoring failure transitions to ineligible state for the corresponding SRG and the other node (if healthy) takes over the active role or that SRG and the subsequent GARP ensures traffic switching and recovery.
ip destination-ip-address Configure IP monitoring. You can configure IP monitoring by specifying destination IP address (of upstream router) for probing.
monitor-object object name SRG monitoring object. You can define one or more monitor objects (up to 10) to group monitor-specific attributes associated with an SRG.
srg-threshold object name SRG monitoring object.

Required Privilege Level


Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.
