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show diameter peer statistics

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show diameter peer statistics
<brief | detail | summary>


Display statistics about all peers associated with Diameter instances or only the specified peer.


brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. The summary output is displayed by default and includes basic function statistics. The brief output displays the summary information in a different format and adds numbers accumulated since the peer was connected. The detail output adds information to the brief output.


(Optional) Display information for only the specified peer. When you specify a peer, the brief output is displayed by default, even when you explicitly specify summary.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show diameter peer statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show diameter peer statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the peer.

summary brief


Name of the Diameter instance in which the network element is configured.

summary brief


Total number of messages received.

summary brief


Number of messages received by the peer.

summary brief


Number of messages received by the Diameter node.

summary brief


Total number of forwarded messages.

summary brief


Number of messages transmitted by the peer.

summary brief


Total number of transmitted messages.

summary brief

Peer name

Name of the peer.


Instance name

Name of the Diameter instance in which the network element is configured.



Sample Output

show diameter peer statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter peer statistics

Diameter peer statistics:
  Peer         Instance     Rx        Rx-Peer   Rx-Node   Forw      Tx-Peer   Tx
  p0           master             113       113         0         0       113       113
  p1           master             110       110         0         0       110       110
  p288         master               0         0         0         0         0         0
  pA           master               0         0         0         0         0         0
  pB           master               0         0         0         0         0         0
  pc           master               0         0         0         0         0         0
  pd           master               0         0         0         0         0         0

show diameter peer statistics detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show diameter peer statistics detail

Diameter peer statistics:
  Peer name               : p0                                                 
  Instance name           : master                                             
                            Current       Since last enable
  Rx errors               :         0             0
  Rx messages             :       114           114
  Rx handled by peer      :       114           114
  Rx dropped msgs         :         0             0
  Rx unmatched answers    :         0             0
  Rx answers              :         0             0
  Rx requests             :         0             0
  Rx total                :         0             0
  Forw to connection      :         0             0
  Forw to peer            :         0             0
  Forw to routed dest     :         0             0
  Total forwarding        :         0             0
  Forwarding failures     :         0             0
  Forwarding success      :         0             0
  Moved-in messages       :         0             0
  Moved-out messages      :         0             0
  Rerouted messages       :         0             0
  Dropped tx messages     :         0             0
  Tx by peer              :       114           114
  Tx errors               :         0             0
  Tx total                :       114           114
  Connection attempts     :         0             1
  Connection fails        :         0             0
  Connections             :         0             1
  Passive teminations     :         0             0
  Active terminations     :         0             0
  Passive disconnects     :         0             0
  Active disconnects      :         0             0
  Rx block requests       :         0             0
  Rx block timeoutss      :         0             0
  Connection management messages
                            Rx current    Rx since      Tx current    Tx since
                                          last enable                 last enable
  CER                     :         0             0             1             1
  CEA                     :         1             1             0             0
  DWR                     :         0             0           113           113
  DWA                     :       113           113             0             0
  DPR                     :         0             0             0             0
  DPA                     :         0             0             0             0

  Peer name               : p1                                                 
  Instance name           : master                                             
                            Current       Since last enable
  Rx errors               :         0             0
  Rx messages             :       110           110
  Rx handled by peer      :       110           110
  Rx dropped msgs         :         0             0
  Rx unmatched answers    :         0             0
  Rx answers              :         0             0
  Rx requests             :         0             0
  Rx total                :         0             0
  Forw to connection      :         0             0
  Forw to peer            :         0             0
  Forw to routed dest     :         0             0
  Total forwarding        :         0             0
  Forwarding failures     :         0             0
  Forwarding success      :         0             0
  Moved-in messages       :         0             0
  Moved-out messages      :         0             0
  Rerouted messages       :         0             0
  Dropped tx messages     :         0             0
  Tx by peer              :       110           110
  Tx errors               :         0             0
  Tx total                :       110           110
  Connection attempts     :         0             1
  Connection fails        :         0             0
  Connections             :         0             1
  Passive teminations     :         0             0
  Active terminations     :         0             0
  Passive disconnects     :         0             0
  Active disconnects      :         0             0
  Rx block requests       :         0             0
  Rx block timeoutss      :         0             0
  Connection management messages
                            Rx current    Rx since      Tx current    Tx since
                                          last enable                 last enable
  CER                     :         0             0             1             1
  CEA                     :         1             1             0             0
  DWR                     :         0             0           109           109
  DWA                     :       109           109             0             0
  DPR                     :         0             0             0             0
  DPA                     :         0             0             0             0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.
