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flag (Tracing for Origin AS Validation)

date_range 19-Nov-23


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flag flag <flag-modifier> <disable>;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances instance-name routing-options validation traceoptions],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances instance-name routing-options validation group group-name session address traceoptions],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-options validation traceoptions],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-options validation group group-name session address traceoptions],
[edit routing-instances instance-name routing-options validation traceoptions],
[edit routing-instances instance-name routing-options validation group group-name session address traceoptions],
[edit routing-options validation traceoptions]
[edit routing-options validation group group-name session address traceoptions]


Configure the flags for tracing resource public key infrastructure (RPKI) BGP route validation.



Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one RPKI BGP route validation tracing operation, include multiple flag statements.

  • Values:

    • all—Trace all events.

    • error—Trace errored packets.

    • keepalive— RPKI-to-router protocol keepalive messages. If you enable the BGP update flag only, received keepalive messages do not generate a trace message.

    • nsr-synchronization— Nonstop routing synchronization events. (Not valid at [edit routing-options validation group group-name session address].

    • packets—All incoming and outgoing packets.

    • policy—Policy processing. (Not valid at [edit routing-options validation group group-name session address].

    • state—State transitions.

    • task—Routing protocol task processing.

    • timer—Routing protocol timer processing.

    • update—Update packets. These packets provide routing updates to BGP systems. If you enable only this flag, received keepalive messages do not generate a trace message. Use the keepalive flag to generate a trace message for keepalive messages.


(Optional) Disable the specific tracing operation. You can use this option to disable a single operation when you have defined a broad group of tracing operations, such as all.


(Optional) Modifier for the tracing flag. You can specify one or more of these modifiers.

  • Values:

    • detail—Provide detailed trace information.

    • receive—Trace the packets being received.

    • send—Trace the packets being transmitted.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.
