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Junos CLI Reference
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You can prevent the device from reaching an amnesiac state post-reboot by configuring the dual-phase-bootup feature before the reboot. When a device has a scaled configuration or has a lot of constraints to be validated, upon reboot it may take more than 45 minutes to finish. This lengthy reboot time exceeds the limit set for the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer going off can cause the device to reach an amnesiac state. To avoid reaching an amnesiac state during a future reboot, configure the dual-phase-bootup statement.

If you have configured the dual-phase-bootup statement before the reboot, the device picks up the rescue configuration from the next reboot. Post-reboot, the device’s operational state is active and the device automatically loads the last-configured user configuration (juniper.conf file), thus preventing the device from reaching an amnesiac state.

To be able to commit the configuration for the dual-phase-bootup statement, you must already have created a rescue configuration (rescue.conf file). We recommend that you have a minimal rescue configuration.

During device upgrades or downgrades, this feature enables a two-step restart process. If the dual-phase-bootup statement is already configured and committed, the device picks up the rescue.conf file during any upgrade or downgrade. The image is then validated against both the rescue.conf file and the juniper.conf file. An internal commit is performed post-reboot, with the latest last-run user configuration being committed. While this configuration is being committed, you cannot make any changes to the configuration.

To check the status of an ongoing dual-phase bootup or to check if it is enabled, use the show dual-phase-bootup-status operational mode command.


Dual-phase bootup is turned off by default.

Required Privilege Level

system—To view this statement in the configuration.

system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 23.4R1.
