send-origin-state-id (Diameter Applications)
Hierarchy Level
[edit access pcrf partition partition-name], [edit access ocs partition partition-name], [edit diameter peer peer-name]
Include the Origin-State AVP for the Diameter peer, OCS partition, or PCRF partition. The AVP is conveyed in Diameter-level or partition-level messages, respectively. The value of the AVP increases every time it changes, such as when the system reboots. Sending the Origin-State AVP in messages enables Diameter entities that receive the message to infer from a changed AVP value that sessions associated with a lower value are no longer active.
If you include the send-origin-state-id
for the OCS or PCRF partition, a new value is sent for the partition
only when a cold boot occurs. The system daemon detects the cold boot
and changes the Origin-State-Id when required.
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.2.