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show services l2tp radius

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show services l2tp radius
<accounting (servers | statistics)>
<authentication (servers | statistics)>


(M7i, M10i, and M120 routers only) Display RADIUS servers and statistics information for the RADIUS servers configured on the router.


You must include one of the following keywords to provide a valid completion for the command:

accounting (servers | statistics)

(Optional) Display RADIUS servers or statistical accounting information only.

authentication (servers | statistics)

(Optional) Display RADIUS servers or statistical authentication information only.


(Optional) Display RADIUS authentication and accounting server information only.


(Optional) Display RADIUS authentication and accounting statistics information only.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services l2tp radius command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services l2tp radius Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

IP Address

IP address of the server.


(servers keyword only) Present state of the server.

UDP Port

Number of the UDP port used to send authentication or accounting messages to the server.

Retry Count

(servers keyword only) Number of times the RADIUS client resends a packet if no ACK is received.


(servers keyword only) Length of time the client waits for an ACK before retransmission.

Pending Requests

(servers keyword only) Number of client pending authentication or accounting requests.

Maximum Sessions

(servers keyword only) Maximum number of pending requests on each RADIUS client before the server moves to the next RADIUS client, which is 200 times the maximum number of clients that can be created on a server (which is 12).

Dead Time

(servers keyword only) Interval to wait before retrying a server after it fails to send a response to an authentication or accounting request.

Secret Type

(servers keyword only) Secret type configured on the RADIUS server.


(servers keyword only) Name of profile configured for the RADIUS server.

Access requests

(statistics keyword only) Number of access requests sent to the server.

Rollover requests

(statistics keyword only) Number of requests coming into the server as a result of the previous server timing out.


(statistics keyword only) Number of retransmissions.

Access accepts

(statistics keyword only) Number of access accept messages received from the server.

Access rejects

(statistics keyword only) Number of access reject messages received from the server.

Access challenges

(statistics keyword only) Number of access challenges received from the server.

Malformed responses

(statistics keyword only) Number of responses with attributes having an invalid length or unexpected attributes (such as two attributes when the response is required to have at most one).

Bad authenticators

(statistics keyword only) Number of responses in which the authenticator is incorrect for the matching request. This can occur if the RADIUS secrets for the client and server do not match.

Requests pending

(statistics keyword only) Number of requests waiting for a response.

Request timeouts

(statistics keyword only) Number of requests that timed out.

Unknown responses

(statistics keyword only) Number of unknown responses. The RADIUS response type in the header is invalid or unsupported.

Packets dropped

(statistics keyword only) Number of packets dropped because they are too short or because the router receives a response for which there is no corresponding request. For example, if the router sends a request that times out, the router removes the request from the list and sends a new request. If the server is slow and sends a response to the first request after the router removes the request, the packet is dropped.

Sample Output

show services l2tp radius servers

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp radius servers
                        RADIUS Authentication Servers

                            UDP  Retry         Pending  Maximum  Dead   Secret
     IP Address     State   Port Count Timeout Requests Sessions Time   Type        Active   1812 2     25      0        2400     300  radius-key     Active   1812 5     35      0        2400     300  radius-key     Active   1812 2     25      0        2400     300  radius-key   Active   1812 7     75      0        2400     300  radius-key   Active   1812 7     75      0        2400     300  radius-key   Active   1812 4     55      0        2400     300  radius-key  Active   1812 3     3       0        2400     300  none-set Active   1812 7     75      0        2400     300  radius-key

                        RADIUS Accounting Servers

                            UDP  Retry         Pending  Maximum  Dead   Secret
     IP Address     State   Port Count Timeout Requests Sessions Time   Type        Active   1813 2     25      0        2400     300  radius-key     Active   1813 5     35      0        2400     300  radius-key     Active   1813 2     25      0        2400     300  radius-key   Active   1813 7     75      0        2400     300  radius-key   Active   1813 7     75      0        2400     300  radius-key   Active   1813 4     55      0        2400     300  radius-key  Active   1813 3     3       0        2400     300  none-set Active   1813 7     75      0        2400     300  radius-key
	                      RADIUS Accounting Servers

	Profile: user1

show services l2tp radius statistics

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services l2tp radius statistics
     RADIUS Authentication Statistics

Authentication statistics:
  Server, UDP port: 1812
    Access requests     : 40
    Rollover requests   : 5
    Retransmissions     : 2
    Access accepts      : 39
    Access rejects      : 1
    Access challenges   : 3
    Malformed responses : 0
    Bad authenticators  : 0
    Requests pending    : 1
    Request timeouts    : 0
    Unknown responses   : 0
    Packets dropped     : 0

     RADIUS Accounting Statistics                  

 Accounting statistics:
  Server, UDP port: 1813
    Total requests      : 9
    Start requests      : 6
    Interim requests    : 1
    Stop requests       : 2
    Rollover requests   : 0
    Retransmissions     : 1
    Total response      : 9
    Start responses     : 6
    Interim responses   : 1
    Stop responses      : 2
    Malformed responses : 0
    Bad authenticators  : 0
    Requests pending    : 1
    Request timeouts    : 0
    Unknown responses   : 0
    Packets dropped     : 0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.
